Chapter 15

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A/N: Exams over! ^.^ yipty-doo! anyway, now I have no work to do. so why not update?! YAASSS

"I hate this. I hate you. I hate life. I hate everything.  FREAKIN' AIR STOP BLOWING IN MY FACE" James cried. He was leaving today, his flight was at 4pm. We had just woken up and now James is losing his head...

"James ...stop, you'll be back by tomorrow. Quit whining." I said.

"Yeah. Okay. Sure. I get it." James said then sighed heavily.

I felt really lazy today. I couldn't stop thinking what happened yesterday ... I want that again.

Maybe....!  I should be angry again!! then he'll try to make it up to me!

I saw James putting peanut butter and jelly on a piece of toast, and I saw my chance.

"James!! Wh-What are you doing?!" I said, trying to fake anger and stuttering too, which ruined it.

"Uh, what's wrong?" he asked.

"I-I-Im allergic to PB! Y-you should've known! we-we're best friends!" I stuttered. Well done June. Oh perfect ...

"June? are you in your right senses? You ate it just a few days back and I don't recall any allergic reaction." He said.

Oh shoot. I didn't think of that...

my face went red in embarrassment and I awkwardly turned on my heel and walked away.

I have to think of something else....and maybe use My common sense next time.

But what do I do? Gosh ...

I need that before he goes. And I need to do it quick before he leaves.

Next thing I knew I was sneakily watching him in the kitchen. He was washing the dishes and I saw my chance.

"JAMES!" I shouted a bit too loud.

I got scared myself, and jumped back a bit and hit my head against the wall. I squealed in pain and James instantly dropped a plate and ran to me.

"Ah-ah Ah..." I winced.

"Ssh...My lord June what has gotten into you today?" He said as he fiercely rubbed the part of my head which hit the wall.

I had to give a reason as to why I shouted.

"You were washing the dishes that's not -ah..- right" I said, moaning in pain in the middle.

"June..God. I've done it before, it was fine then! look, you need some rest." He said and carried me to the bed.

He laid me down. He stroked my cheeks and placed a very light kiss on my cheek. I pouted slightly.  Not exactly what I wanted..but..nah.

He was going to walk away when I stopped him " Lay with me please. Before you go" I pleaded.

without hesitation he jumped beside me.

He rested his hand on his palm and looked at me.

"Lets talk, since you're not sleeping." He suggested.

"Lets!" I said, in joy.

"Let's play 20 questions!" James said.

"Okay ill go. If you were stuck on an island, who would you take with you? two people."  I asked.

"Well, you of course. Second would be..I don't have any special people in my life except you really so only you." He said and smiled bright.

I blushed slightly, and said "That would be fun."

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