New York City

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The streets of NYC were crazy; as always. I walked up and down Broadway, trying to identify every rich looking person. Their wallets and purses must be filled with money.

These days were the worst, its cold and frosty. Everybody's out Christmas shopping, each one carrying a stack of cash.

I spotted a man who was carrying a couple hundreds, he was struggling to try and get them into his wallet.

Heres my chance. I weaved swiftly around people until I came close enough. I knocked into him, causing him to drop his bag and the hundreds.

"I'm terribly sorry!" I grabbed the hundreds and slipped them into my pocket. "I'll help." I picked up his bag and papers for him before I began to casually walk away.

I started running when I heard him yell. I laughed, showing my satisfaction. It was getting late and I headed toward the homeless people building.

I smiled, it was beginning to feel like Spring although Winter still had a month left. I turned my head to see the police, they were heading straight for me.

I gasped and started to run, they started after me. I was going to get caught!

I ran into an alley, it was dark. Trash covered the ground, leading me to a dead end. I gulped, the police peeked in the alley. One of them yelled to another and they came charging down the long alley.

"Over here!" I looked over to see a teen who had opened a door. I quickly jumped in and the boy shut the door.

"That was close." I smirked at the teens British accent. I reached into my pockets, the $100's were gone.

"Thanks but my moneys gone." I breathed heavily for air. I was in a small apartment, it was warm.

"This money? I saw you drop on Broadway so I picked it up for you." He handed me the money.

"Thanks," i took the money from him, flipping my blonde hair to the side, "My names Diane by the way." I shoved the money in my pocket.

"My names Peter." He walked to the couch and sat, he waved me over with his hand. I looked at him wearily, how could I trust a boy who I had just met?

"Thanks but I must be going." I walked toward the door but the boy appeared in front of it.

"Your not understanding Diane. Your not meant to be here, in New York as homeless girl." He raised his eyebrows.

I began to feel freaked out, who was the boy really? He flicked his hand toward the door where the police were banging. The door opened and the police came charging through.

"Its either take my hand, or go rot in that dirty jail." He reached out his hand to me.

My mind sort of froze. Go with the abusive NYC Police? Or go with Peter, the cute/creepy British boy?

I grabbed his hand tight, I'd take a cute boy any day. I blinked and we were on a beach, jungle surrounded it.

"Welcome to Neverland Diane. Boys!" Peter yelled. I guessed what was happening. Boys streamed out of the jungle, they wore rags and carried large sticks and knives.

"This has been a nice dream, but I really should wake up." I said nervously, I walked backwards and tripped over a large rock.

A boy caught me, pushing me back up to face Peter. "Welcome home."

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