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I stared at the stars, the boys danced around the fire wildly. I looked next to me when a lost boy sat.

I glared at him cautiously, he had deep brown eyes and shaggy blonde hair. He was very handsome.

"I see you've taken to the place, enjoying the party?" He asked, putting his stick down.

"Sort of," I looked into his pretty brown eyes. He laughed a bit.

"Im Jordan by the way." He reached his hand to shake mine. I shook it gently, still alert for any tricks.

"Ive never talked to a Lost Boy. Or one that knows how to shake someones hand." I smiled, it was nice to have someone to talk to.

He flipped his hair to the side, "So why has Peter taken a liking to you? I see you've been nothing but stubborn to him."

Speaking of Peter, I could see him out of the corner of my eye. He was watching me and Jordan with burning eyes, he was sharpening a stick with a knife. It gave me chills.

"A liking? More like he wants whatever power he thinks I have." I ignored Peters eyes and focused on Jordan.

Jordan laughed, "He told us your powerful," he paused to look around, "Im surprised he's letting me talk to you. He warned us not to."

"So why are you talking to me? Cant he kill you with a snap of his fingers?" I asked a bit worried.

"Yes," Jordan smirked, "But he wont try anything, he can see you smiling."

I looked to the side, another Lost Boy was glaring at me with the more hatred than I'd seen in Peters eyes.

"What about that boy?" I asked nodding to the Boy. Jordan looked over and rolled his eyes.

"That's not actually a boy, when she came to the island, Peter thought she was you but it turned out she wasn't. Peter only let her stay because she became a fine warrior. She has some crush on Peter or something."

"Oh." I felt awkward now, if Peter took a liking to me, she'd be a dangerous threat.

"So what happened to your parents? Everyones got a story here." He asked.

"My mother died of a disease we call cancer, and my mother told me a pirate killed him." I sighed.

"Im sorry...Well I better go join in the dancing." He smiled before putting a mask on and jumping into the circle of wild boys.

I smiled, then I looked over at Peter. He was staring at the ground. I sighed, then got up and walked over to him and sat.

He looked at me, "How do your wounds feel?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Peter!" A small teenager ran into camp, his hands were bloody.

Me and Peter stood up, the party abruptly stopped as the boy ran to Peter.

"The men with the ships. They...there looking for camp," the boy fell in front of me and Peter.

"Alright boys. Let's Play!" Peter raised his knife in the air and the boys cheered.

I began to get a headache, images flashed into my head of my father being on a ship. He was in a small boat sailing toward Neverland.

The images stopped and Peter was bent next to me. "Its happening...Felix, take the boys and get rid of those pirates." Peter helped me stand up, I saw Jordan watching. His eyes round with worry.

Peter helped me walk to the tree, Jordans face disappeared as I walked into the tree. Peter put me in the bed, he covered me with blankets.

"Take a nice cat nap, I'll be back soon." He disappeared quickly.

I sat up in the bed, "Is he gone?" I jumped at Jordan's voice.

"Yes why?" I asked as Jordan charged in nervously. He looked around to make sure Peter wasn't around.

"You father wasnt killed. He's here!"

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