The Bullets

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I've had a dreamt of this place before, its more of a blurry vision. The same trees and beach, the same erie feeling you get when your walking through a dark hotel hallway.,

What did Peter mean by welcome home?

Of coarse Ive never actually been here. Neverland's a place where you dream to go as a kid, to meet Peter Pan and the Lost Boys.

I recall the Disney movie I watched before my mother died. Wendy and her three brothers went to Neverland with a bubbly Peter Pan and Tinker Bell.

This place was not at all what I had imagined. Its been a few days, I refuse to move out of this bed. Its a rather small bed but its comfortable.

They feed me and try to pry me out if it but I know how Neverland works, you can imagine what you want and it happens. So each time thru tried to remove me, I handcuffed myself the bed.

I decided to stretch my legs, I pushed my feet over the edge of the bed and stood up. I walked up to a mirror, I hoped no one would hear my foot steps.

I looked at my dirty body, my hair hadn't been brushed in days. I looked into my green eyes, the yellow ring around the black part dilated.

"I see your up and at it." In the reflection of the mirror I saw Peter leaning against the wall, his arms crossed tightly, his pale green eyes burned into my back.

I simply rolled my eyes, "Im going for a walk," I declared as a brush appeared in my hand and I brushed through my knotty hair.

He laughed, "Where will you go? You dont know your way around Neverland." He walked up behind me, with a wave of his hand my hair was brushed.

"Well I'm tired of sitting here. You say Im important but you've yet to prove it." I pushed past him and walked out into the night. The lost boys danced around a large fire. I bent down and tied my right Jordan's shoe lace.

I began to walk, I found a trail and followed it. "Diane!" I heard Peter yell but I kept walking.

By now I was near the beach, I saw ships and men crowding onto the sandy beach.

"Hey!" I yelled hopefully the men would take me back to New York. I ran toward them cheerfully, the sand was warm beneath my shoes.

As I got closer the men aimed their guns at me, "Its a Lost Girl!" They yelled to each other. "Aim! Fire!"

Everything was almost in slow motion, I could see the bullets flying at me. "No!" Pan appeared and flew in front of the bullets, saving me.

"Peter!" He looked weak but he still got up. He handed me a small bottle of green dust, "Pixie Dust?"

"You know what to do." He coughed, waving his hand and a purple layer appeared. I guessed it was a protection spell.

I knew I had to believe, I breathed deeply and imagined me and Peter flying threw the air. The dust began to glow and I dumped it on me and Peter. He began to cough up blood.

I wrapped my arms around him, careful not to touch his wounds and we started flying.

"Wheres camp?" I asked but Peter was falling into unconsciousness.

I looked around frantically then finally, I spotted the gnarled tree. The pixie dust began to wear off but luckily, we landed just as it did.

"Peter? Wake up!" I shook him gently, the Lost Boys gathered around us. "Somebody? Bring him to the bed!" I demanded.

Some of the Lost Boys including Felix picked him up and brought him in the tree.

Wait. Why do I care so much about his safety? He took me from New York!


Inside the tree:

Felix's POV-

I laughed, "Beautiful trick Pan," Pan sat up on the bed, "You really had her going."

"She needs to trust me, she's more powerful than she realizes." Peter brushed off some dirt.

"She doesn't know your immortal?" I asked leaning against the wall.

"Of coarse not. Now go, tell her she'll need to attend to me, or else." Peter lay back in bed, blood welled onto his clothes.


I paced outside the tree, Felix emerged, his face grim. The scar across his face scared me.

"Is he ok?" I asked, hating myself for sounding worried.

"No. He left me in charge while he recovers. You'll be in charge of him Make sure he gets what he needs. If not...lets just say you'll never see the next sunrise. " Felix walked away before I could object.

I stood there, my mouth still open. Felix shot me a dangerous look, I held my breath as I trudged into the tree.

"Peter?" I slowly walked into the room. He was in the bed, he breathed heavily.

"I believe you owe me a thank you." He tried to sit up, but pain gripped him again.

I rushed over to him, "Stay still, you were shot." I took a rag and handed it to him. He wiped his face.

"Diane," he grabbed my hand, "Only magic can heal these wounds."

"Well you've got magic, use it." I looked into his eyes, I pushed my blonde hair out of the way.

"No, your magic." I pulled away from him. I have magic? Impossible!

"Im sorry Peter, I dont have magic. Even if I did...Im not sure I would save you. I know what you've done. Your a monster." I backed away, I remember my dreams clearly, Peter had killed so many innocent people.

"So jumping in front of bullets to save you, isnt good enough? Just belie-," He moaned as he clenched his wounds. "Diane, Im dying."

I felt my eyes get wide, I knew I had to do the right thing. If I let him die, the Lost Boys would kill me.

"Peter. If I save you, yo-you must stop treating me like I'm three." I narrowed my eyes.

"Deal," He yelled in pain, I flinched. "Just believe!"

I gulped and rested my hand on his wounds, I imagined his wounds disappearing. To my surprise, he gasped for air but soon the wounds were healed.

"Good job Diane, this called for a party!"

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