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Jungkook dropped to his knees, grabbing Jimin's shoulders and shook him. "Jimin!" He shook him more, not receiving a response. "Jimin, say something!"

He set the blonde's head on his lap after not getting anything from him, and got out his phone dialing in 999. "Is.. Is this the police? Yes m-my friend just passed out.." Jungkook looked down at Jimin's pale face. He trembled, fearing for his friend's life.

Once the ambulance arrived, Jungkook stood up with Jimin in his arms handing him off to the aid people. He watched as they quickly got him on the bed, and rolled his body into the truck. He felt like everything went in slow motion, before a hand touched his shoulder. Jungkook quickly turned around, looking up at the officer.

"Are you going in the truck?" The man in uniform asked, looking down at Jungkook.

Without thinking, he quickly nodded hopping in the truck with them and held Jimin's hand not knowing if he was going to live or not.


Taehyung woke up in his warm bed, not knowing where the hell he was. He looked around seeing the none present male in his room like he usually is. There wasn't any anime playing loudly, or chips being munched on. "Jungkook?"

He got out of the bed, and stood up walking towards the dresser to pick out his outfit. The weekend was finally here, and he can take a rest from everything that has been happening with Jimin and everyone. He thought that he could go hit a few shops, and take in nature to calm his mind.

Taehyung walked to the bathroom, then started stripping in front of the mirror. He looked down at his body, seeing the nice toned tan skin and faded abs. He looked in the mirror, sliding a hand down his stomach and licked his lips from the feeling. His phone buzzed in his pocket before he could do anything else. He took it out of his pocket, and answered in. "Hey Jungkook-" He heard sniffing on the other line. "Are you okay??" Taehyung walked to the bedroom sliding on his pants, getting ready to go help Jungkook.

"Hyung.." He heard him say, "J-Jimin is in the hospital..."

Taehyung stopped what he was doing, and looked at the phone feeling his body freeze up. "Jung.. Jungkook I don't understand... The hospital?"

What could've happened to Jimin? Was he sick? Did he get attacked? Is he taking care of himself? So many questions ran through his head as he stood there in the middle of the room half naked.

"They s-said when a cancer patients gets sick, it has a different effect on their bodies-"

"Wait, cancer?" Tae shook his head, "What do you mean cancer?"

Jungkook was silent on the other end. "Jungkook?"

"Come to the hospital hyung... Maybe with Namjoon or something." He hung up after that, leaving Tae standing still with the phone up to his ear. "J-Jungkook..?"

So many things ran through his head at once. But it all started to add up. The constant leaving school, his leg, how he gets mad at the most little things when people bring up his health. He shook his head feeling so stupid that he didn't even think that Jimin had cancer.

Was it bad? What stage is he? Is he going to die?

Tae paced around the room, trying to get his clothes on in a hurry before running out in the hallway looking for Namjoon.


Jungkook sat in the waiting room, waiting for the doctors to update him again. Once they came out, he stood up immediately wiping the sweat on his palms off on his pants. "Is he.." He cleared his throat. "Is he alright?"

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