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It's been 2 years since the attack, I moved with Cam, Collins and Devon two weeks after the attack. I'm now the Alpha of the area. I put my school uniform on, it's got a really short skirt, and walk downstairs. Collins, Devon and Cam all have their uniform on. We walked into school and everyone was cheering. We all froze seeing who it was. Brittney Mazdas. Victoria Secrets most popular model. "Yes that's right everyone I'm the queen of witches cause I'm the level one hundred witch!" She was shouting. I laughed. Everyone looked at me.

"Wow you actually believe her?" I asked and they all nodded. I got on the wall next to her. "If you're the level one hundred witch, I challenge you to a duel!" She nods. It begins. She uses flamethrower that I block with a bubble attack. I use the direct attack and freeze her in place. "If you are the level one hundred witch summon Mafia, maker of the death spell" she closed her eyes. Everyone screamed. I turned and screamed too. They're She was. An angel version of Mafia.

She flew down. "My daughter is the one hundred levelled witch and she summoned me here" she said. Everyone chanted Brittney's name. "Freya is their anything you need my child?" She said and everyone froze. "No thank you m-mother" I said slowly. "Okay then sweetheart I'll go, summon me if you need me" she flew away. Then Brittney fell to the floor, dead.

I walked into school with Collins, Devon and Cameron. When Collins, Devon and I froze. A pack was in our territory. We teleported straight there. "I demand to see your Alpha RIGHT NOW!" They came through. G-Grayson and Ethan?! I was shocked. They looked me up and down. When we locked eyes their eyes were pink. I felt a shock in my heart as the storm started. My devil side came out, every Demi god has a devil side. It happens when you first get your mates.

I screamed for my mom. She appeared. Me put her hand on my hand and sucked my devil side into me. I panted. I slowly got onto my feet and felt my eye lids get heavier as the world got darker...

Bullied to Bewitched~ Dolan TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now