1~ Gajeel

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The Grand Magic Games had ended and battling the dragons was over. Everyone was home and resting. A wild week had just happened. No one would be up. The guild would be quiet as people weren't taking jobs for a while. They were all resting. Well, everyone was supposed to be resting.

I slowly start to come too as I hear knocks on my door. I groan a bit and close my eyes again. Stuffing my face into my pillows, completely missing the time on the clock. The knocks occurred one more time. I didn't even care to budge a bit. I can't do this just yet. They can come by later if it's that important.

About 15 minutes pass and I hear rumbling going on in my kitchen. I groan again and look at my clock this time. 4:00 am. Seriously who the hell is breaking into my house at 4 fucking am. I close my eyes again too tired to care if they are taking my shit. The door to my room opens and a light comes in from the hallway.


Fucks sake.

I feel large hands land on my shoulder slowly shake me. Almost as if they were afraid to shake too hard. I don't punch that hard when someone touches me.

"Hey. (Y/N) wake up. Everything's ready."

I open my eyes and turn onto my back looking at the intruder.

"Uhhh you're not wearing a shirt."

" And you weren't invited into my house, yet here we are Gaj. What are you doing here anyway? It's 4 am!" I cried as I crawled farther into my sheets.

"I couldn't sleep so I got some food and brought it here. Figured you'd be hungry so..."

"Fine, I'll be there soon. Gimme a couple of minutes."

Gajeel walked out of my room and I got up and got dressed. I brushed my hair a bit to untangle what I could. Would throw it up in a bun but it's short now. Thanks, Natsu.

I walk out of my room and into the kitchen and see bowls, spoons, cereal, and milk all lied out and ready.

"Oooooh, strawberry awake!" I squeal as I grab a bowl and pour the contents of the box into it. Grabbing the milk next.

"You pour your cereal first?"

I pause and turn around.

"Please tell me you did not just say that?"

"What?" Gajeel says with pure confusion on his face.

"How are you suppose to know the cereal-to-milk ratio properly if you pour the milk in the bowl first?! Is it too much milk or too much cereal?! Who can really know because the milk was poured first!"

"Tsk. Whatever." He says grabbing a bowl and pouring the milk as he chews on a spoon that was out.

"You monster. Now I'm gonna have to start making your cereal too. Great. And stop eating my cutlery. I'm not gonna have anything left if you keep eating all of it." I say ripping the spoon out of his mouth.

"You're gonna use the spoon?"

"Someone has to keep you from eating it," I say with a small smile looking at him.

We sat at the table and ate in quiet, both of us going for a second bowl. The games and the dragons really took a lot out of everyone. Halfway through my second bowl I pause and look at Gajeel. Who is currently stuffing his face with a third bowl.

"Hey, Gajeel?"


"Don't get me wrong, I really like your company and I consider you to be one of my best friends. But... why are you here? Like with me? In my house? When Levy is more of a better choice than me." I say nervously. Looking away and playing with my hair.

It was still silent as he took more bites of his food before the spoon landed in the bowl and he looked at me. Nervous but deadly serious as well.

"I just wanted a reason to be with you, is all..."

I smile to myself and look back at Gajeel who is now looking at the bowl of cereal. He stands up abruptly knocking the chair over, grabbing the bowl and walking to the kitchen again. I chase after him and see him hovering over the sink. I race around the counter and hug him from behind. I can literally feel him shaking as I hug him tighter. I feel his hands rest on mine against his chest. He pries me from him so he can turn around. Looking at me, tears in his eyes and redness on his cheeks. I grab his face in my hands and put my forehead on his.

"Gajeel. You never need an excuse or a reason to be with me. Never. And since you can pick locks now you can see me anytime you want!" I say with a bit more feeling top lighten the mood a bit while I smile at him.

Seeing him returning the smile makes me even happier.

"Geehee! Now that's an offer I can accept." He says picking me up and setting me on the counter placing himself between my legs. He moved so fast that it took me a bit by surprise when he kissed me. Easing up a bit I kiss him back. The kiss is needy and desperate. Both of us fighting the other for dominance. I gave up because I was losing my mind. Maybe next time.

We pull apart catching our breathes he says, "Ya know, ya gave me a key. I can't pick locks for the life of me."

I look at him confused, "I did? When?"

I hear him sigh and say, " just like Salamander." just before he kisses me again. The kiss this time more loving and nice. Who would've thought that tough, metal head Gajeel could be sweet and sensual?

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