Chapter 2

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Tyler POV

Surprisingly I got a parking spot really close to the mall entrace. I parked the car, put the key in my pocket, and Emma and I started walking towards to entrance. Her head was down and she was on her phone, so i kept watch to make sure no cars would hit her. We got to the curb and Dylan was sitting down on one of the benches. He practically ran towards me with a huge grin on his face then when he saw her it turned upside down. "Surpise" i mouthed and he rolled his eyes at me. We did our usual bro hug and "hey man"s.

"Hi shuckface." Dylan said to Emma.

"Hi ret- what did you just say?!" she actually looked up from her phone, hatred in her eyes.

"I said, hi. shuck.face." he said, enunciating each word.

"But" Emma started to say.

"Surprise!" I managed to blurt out.

"Tyler what are you talking about..." Emma said glancing at me.

"Why does she care?" Dylan said.

"I didn't hehe tell you?" I said trying to be convincing but i guess it didn't work.

"Why would she need to know?" Dylan asked again.

"Know what...NOOO! Ty are you KIDDING ME?" Emma punched me in the arm.

"It just never came up." I said.

"Yea but maybe i would WANT to KNOW! Wait... you didn't tell it either did you?" she started to smirk which meant bad things were gonna happen.

"Uhm i'm not an it and i have a name." Dylan said, butting in.

"Okay okay i should've told you." I started to say.

"Will someone explain to me what's going on." Dylan asked.

"Idiot boy." Emma said.

"Shut up will you!" He said over her.

"Both of you shut up! You're both auditioning for the same movie okay!" Finally i could get the words out.

"TYLER!" Emma yelled punching me again.

"ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING!" Now Dylan was yelling.

"Okay maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I'm gonna go-" I turned to walk back to my car with Dylan pulled me back.

"You're my ride and this is my only time to get clothes so shut your face and let's go." Dylan said.

"Ha uhm sorry but he's shopping with us too?!" Emma yelled.

"Listen, you can go do your girl stuff and Francesca's Secret." Dyan said turning to her.

"You mean Victoria's Secret? Yea you're stupid let's go Tyler." Emma said.

"You know what both of you SUCK IT UP and just get along for one day. What's gonna happen if you both get the movie parts?!" I yelled back at them.

"The only way he'll get the part is if he auditions with a bag over his head." She chuckled after she said that and he mimicked her. Well this would be a long day.

It's a love hate (Dylan O'Brien & Tyler Posey)Where stories live. Discover now