Hyrule feild

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  Turns out, the great, cold unkown isn't that cold.

  But it sure is great.

  I walked almost directly into a near-naked tree. 

  "O-ho-ho!" I looked up to a similar tree. On it sat an over-sized owl with curious feathers and patterns on his face. "Don't be startled, Link!" He cooed. I relaxed my shoulders a bit. He turns his head upside-down, revealing the reason for his strange facial features. "I am Kaepora Gaebora. The Great Deku Tree and I were good friends. I promised to aid you in any way I can.

  "Young hero,-" Hero? "- So your journey begins. It's gonna be long, and rather tough, for there will be some very throrough challanges, but you must never get discouraged. In the end, you'll find this was much more than you barganed for, but I'm sure the great Farore made the right choice for the Hero of Time.

  "Well, Link, until next time." Kaepora Gaebora turns his head right-side-up and quickly flies off.

  As soon as I stepped into this vast, open plain of nothing but hilly grass, out of the small tree-path, and onto a single dusty trail, I knew this was gonna be a long journey. 

  "This is Hyrule Feild, Link," Navi cautiously chimmed. "If this was as bad as The Great Deku Tree ad that weird owl- Kaepora Gaebora, right?- described, we'd best keep our eyes peeled." I sighed. I grabbed my sword and braced out infront of me, slowly starting down this never-ending path.


    I eventually quicken my pace and let my guard down a little. I was waling for a good hour or so when we came onto a sign in the wooden shape of an arrow, pointing directley ahead at the setting sun. I stare at the strange, thick shapes stupidly. 

  "What, don't you know how to read?" Navi swoops around from behind me and gets in my face. I shake my head. "Ugh!! Thank Nayru I'm here with you, you twat!" What's a twat? "It says Hyrule Castle town is that-a-way." She excitedly twirls to face the horizon. "Hyrule Castle Town! Link, the caslte should be behind the castle town!" Y'don't say? I roll my eyes. "C'mon, Link, hurry up! We're closer than ever and the sun's almost down!" 

   We (more like I 'cause I don't have wings) start sprinting to the north where the sign pointed. I could see the castle town when the sun had just fell under the horizon and somewhere, for some reason, something howled. I was absolutly terrified. 

  "S'okay, Link. That was just a wolf. It sounds far from here," Navi tried to calm me, but ahe looked just as unnerved. 

  That wolf's cry was followed by, from what I could tell, chains clinking. I could see a silhoette of some thing abnormally large and still with points at the top.

  "Link! Link! Oh, man! That's the castle-town! And the drawbridge is being pulled up! We have to hurry up!!" 

  At that, I don't think I've ever ran faster in my entire exsistence. Everything in my being was in fast motion. I don't know what it was- maybe it was the tone that Navi had or the sheer fear making all of my bones quiver with fear- but I had a bad feeling that nighttime in Hyrule feild would not be fun.

  We finally make it to the castle in under a minute. The drawbridge is almost halfway closed already. I had no time to gawk at the huge materpeice that the outside was. 

  "Hey! What are you waiting for? Squeeze through what little opening we still have!" Navi urges. She's right. I'm almost completely frozen with fear of being squished-along with everything else.

  After half a second of shaking in my boots, I take a small step and then there's not stopping me. I dash to thje gate and- just barely- fit through the crack between the cold stone wall and the heavy wooden gate. I have just enough time to adjust my hat before the drawbridge clicks closed. 

   " Oh, wow. That was close." Navi pants. Right agian.

  If this is just the start of my adventure, I'm petrified to know what else is in store.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2012 ⏰

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