The begginning

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There once was a girl named Claire Fox and she had Blond straight hair, with icy blue eyes. People would say she could turn into a cat but others said it wasn't true people would say she could turn into a cat and would possess the abilities of a cat. From climbing trees to landing on her feet, she was talked about but yet they didn't know that tale was true.

huh? I sat upright something’s strange here…...Something odd and different…… I stood up and looked outside, there’s people at the door….. People that want to investigate if my power is true. I gotta get out of here! They’re looking for me!! I ran down the stairs to my boyfriend the only guy that knows that the powers are true- Mark “Claire-” “I’m sorry Mark it’s just that there’s some people at the door…. It seems they’re here for me.” I said. Mark just stares at me then seems to break himself out of his faze. “S-sorry hurry up or who knows what’ll happen.”  I sigh, sometimes Mark can be really clueless. I look up and stare into his golden eyes and I feel like I could melt away just by staring at them. But I can’t now’s not the time I MUST keep moving. BAM, BAM, BAM! “Open up the door now or we’ll bust it down!” I stare at Mark and he just nods for me to keep moving, the people here and part of a lab I can just tell they want me. I really didn’t want to do this but I open the back door and there was someone waiting for me. I gasp, the man grabs me by the hands and conks me on the side of the head, I fall to the ground all I see is black and I hear Mark scream but someone is holding him down away from me. Lots of moments pass and when I woke up, I’m in a lab and I hear lots of beeping and a voice that says “huh! she’s awake I didn't think she was going to wake up.” I look around a realize that I’m in a closed area with no one in here with me. All I think about is if Mark is okay but they probably just asked him a few questions and left. I see people in lab coats and all I can think is Dangit! I’m in a lab! What will I do? I hope Mark will come to my aid and save me but he can have anything to use to help with that….

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