Day 30

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I woke him up at 4 AM sharp, then made him get ready. He was groggy, but with a little help, I got him presentable. I crawled everywhere I went, and I used higher surfaces to get up on my good leg.

”I don't mind helping you,” Pogan said. ”You look like a seal when you crawl like that.”

”I'm fine. Now here's the plan: you're gonna stuff me into the biggest bag you have, then you're gonna rally the others onto the roof.”

”But, I'm not allowed outside my room.” I cursed under my breath, then looked around the room. My rifle, presumably empty, was on the floor. I crawled to it, but checked it. It had a single round in it.

”Then I'm gonna do something really risky.” He gave me a concerned look, but I hopped over to the door, then cracked it open. Outside, the guard posted there had my iPod in his hand and my Luxe ear buds in his filthy ears. He faced away from me; this was perfect. I emerged from the room, aimed the barrel of the gun square in the center of his head, then pulled the trigger.


He was down for the count, so while I was free from any other obstacles, I took my iPod and ear buds back. Then, I ditched the rifle across the hall, watching it land in front of someone else's door. I ran back inside, shutting and locking the door. I found that the guard had jailbreaked this thing, but nothing was done to damage my baby.

”What'd you just do!?”

”Shot the guard,” I beamed. Pogan shook his head and chuckled.

”You're crazy.”

”I told you I was gonna do something risky!” I chuckled. I suddenly heard voices on the other side of the door. Pogan panicked, but I directed him to throw me into the closet. He did so, leaving the door open a crack, just in case. I huddled into a sphere, then proceeded to cover myself in his casual clothes. Through the crack in the door, I heard everything.

”Who shot your guard, Long Locks?” a burly voice asked.

”I don't know, but I heard footsteps immediately after.”

”To where?”

”Exiting the room, to the right, then maybe a left, toward the west exit.” There was a burly grunt, then footsteps leaving the room and following Pogan's directions. After a few minutes, Pogan opened the door and dragged me out. He had a duffel bag prepared.

”Wait, what day is it?” I asked. Surely it can't already be October; it felt like I was wrong. He checked his phone quickly.

”Saturday, September 20th. Why?” I smiled, then pulled him into a tight hug.

”Happy 15th birthday, Biggums,” I said. So I WAS wrong. Happily wrong.

”Thanks,” he chuckled. ”Now get in the duffel bag.”


Outside the bag, I heard all the familiar voices of my team, and then some. Members from Teams Omega and Delta had gathered here, too, for backup. Everyone was situated, and then Pogan got everyone's attention.

”Excuse me!” The chatter died down quickly. ”I bet you're all wondering why you're here today. Well, in this duffel bag holds out possible victory--or defeat--against these goons. Now, one second.” The zipper above me unzipped, and I was picked up in the bundle forme I'd been in. I unfurled, listening to the gasps from everyone. Balancing on my good leg and using Pogan as a support, I smiled.

”I've returned.” Everyone had awe-struck stares on, some from my team were crying silently.

”M-Ma...” Danny mumbled. Adam was first to jump up and hug me, then Quentin, then Danny. One after another, Team Alpha surrounded me on all sides, squeezing me in many embraces. I received so many ”I missed you”s and ”What happened?”s that it all became quite overwhelming.

”We thought you'd died!!” Desmond called from somewhere in the crowd.

”What happened to your leg?!” Isis and Ty asked in unison.

”These are stories for other times! For now, I need a cane, all of you guys' cooperation, and a willing victim to be a decoy!!”


Happy birthday, Pogan920! Hope you've had a good one!! :D

To all the readers, go follow Pogan if you aren't already! He's awesome, funny, and I think he needs s'more followers for his birthday!

- Mettox :)

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