#37 Jason Imagine

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Hey love. This is a imagine for FangirlByAnyChance. I love the name ;) Hope you like you imagine.


----Sophia P.O.V.----

I walked into the library quietly, not drawing any attention to me. I took out my book I was planning on returning. I walked up to the librarian behind the desk and gave her the book. She takes it and I begin looking for a new book.

I look over the shelves, reading all the titles and sometimes take them out to read the back, but I put them back. Nun of them are intresting to me.

As I look at the books, I stop at a shelf. It was filled of Harry Potter series. Per always told me how good they are, but I never read one. I grab the first book of the series and looked at the back of the book.

After I read the back, I was instantly hooked, so I grab the first 3 books of the series. I almost fall over from how heavy they are.

"Need help there?" I look behind me and see some boy. He had square glasses that framed his face nicely. I bush.

"Umm no, I think I got it." I smile and try to carry them towards the check out desk, but fail. I trip over my feet, making me fall and the books go every where.

"Are you okay?!?" The boy shouts, while helping me get up. I brush off my jeans and try to act casual.

"Yeah, I am all right." I smile, and pick up the books. The boy helps me, but doesn't give them to me.

"I'm Jason." He smiles. He finally hands me the books. I take them from him and smile.

"I'm Sophia." I tell Jason. I stand the awkwardly, rocking on my heels. I noticed Jason felt awkward too. Before I leave he speaks up.

"Are you a big Harry Potter fan?" He points to the books I am holding. I look down, almost forgetting about them.

"Actually I have never read them before. My friends are always telling me how good they are, so I am checking them out" I smile. His eyes go wide. I give him a 'what' look.

"You have never read Harry Potter?" He almost shouts. I shake my head no. "Well after you read them, come to me and tell me how you like it okay?" He suggests.

I laugh and tell him okay. Before I can get to far he pulls my arm back. "If you didn't get the clue, that 'come to me' thing was just a excuse to talk to you again" he winks and let's me go. I blush really hard and nod at him. I walk to the check out with a huge smile on my face.


I am sorry if this is not really good. I am not feeling so well. I'm sorry. Hope you kind of like it.

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