Star Date 2364 Vagra ||

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Personal Log / Lt. Commander Data

Summary report.

Star Date 2364 - As our team recovered the shuttle craft carrying counselor Troy and another personnel member, Captain Picard destroyed the shuttle craft leaving Arums to remain on the planet.

Injury report.

Lt. Commander Tasha Yar - Chief of security - While on the planets surface Lt. Commander Tasha Yar Attempted the rescue of two Enterprise crew members, in the process Tasha Yar was hit by the mysterious Armus, knocked unconscious Chief medical officer Beverly Crusher transported her to Sick Bay despite Armus threat to kill another crew member. Captain Picard and myself await her recovery.

- Entering sick Bay - 

How's she doing doctor? Captain said in a worrisome tone. 
Tasha's in a coma, a few broken bones, and look here captain; a scar left by Armus. The black residue covers about a little less than half the side of her face and I cant seem to remove it by any conventional means.
Doctor when she wakes up I want to be the first to know.
Yes Captain. 

After the Captain left Sick Bay I walked over to Tasha's recovery bed. I have no human emotions yet, if I did I would be worried. Tasha is a comrade of mine, more than that my neural nets have grown accustomed to her, if Tasha would have perished you could say I would miss her. 
I touched Tasha's hair, it felt dry and burnt, unlike other times I had touched Tasha's hair; those time it was soft, silky and vibrant. 

From Behind a warm hand touched my shoulder, and instantaneously knew it was Dr. Crusher. Dr. Crusher had also grown accustomed to my neural nets. 

Data If anything changes I promise you'll be the first to know as well, go home and get some rest. 

"I do not require rest doctor."

"Data." Dr. Crusher said with a tone of annoyance. 

"Yes doctor I will return to courters as you wish." 

- Entering Turbo lift - 
- Deck two - 

Before I was able to enter my courters I was met by Lt. Commander Geordie La forge.                         Hey Data how are you?
 I am functionating within normal parameters, why do you ask Geordie?
Just, after what happened on Vagra ||, and Tasha, I thought you would enjoy the company.
I am fine Geordie, If you would like the company however you are welcome to come in.
Uh, thanks Data, actually I think ill pass seems like you want to be alone for a while, Poker tomorrow in Rikers courters? 
Yes, Goodnight Geordie.
Night Data.

Feline supplement A-2 please. Testing new food supplements on Spot are always a difficult task, will she eat tuna today, or salmon? Chicken perhaps? This particular supplement is a Tuna mixed with light vegetation, perhaps spot will try it again later, and perhaps I will try sleeping again tonight.

Studying most Human behavior I have came to the conclusion that humans typically have a night time routine. Dinner followed by desert, next a shower or an equivalent form of hygiene, brushing teeth, pajamas than bed. Since I do not require nutritional substance, the only step for me is pajamas. I material in which pajamas are made from are much different from his uniform though I do not prefer one over the other. 

Goodnight Spot. Computer Dim lights by thirty five percent. 

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