Stare Date 2364 - Taking care of Tasha Yar

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The game is five card stud, aces and jacks are wild. 
Beverly delt the cards, Troy, Riker, Geordie, Myself, than Worf. 

As the best were placed, the table discussed the events that took place on Vagra || and Tasha Yars condition. 
Doctor, has there been any progress or new information on Tasha condition?
No Data I'm sorry. 
Is there anything I can do to help doctor? 

Data. Troy said abruptly.
If I didn't know better I would say you were extremely worried about her.
You know that is impossible though councilor, I am merle interested in our friends condition.
I see...

* Doctor Crusher, Lt. Data we need you in Sick bay Immediately * 
* On our way * 

As Doctor Crusher and I approached Sick Bay I had hope that Tasha Yar had not passed away. 
Captain Picard was waiting for us in Dr. Crushers office. 
Tasha wants to see you first Data. 
Why me sir?

Captain Picard gestured his hand to the main area of Sick Bay. As I walked I could see nurse Kelly running a tricorder over Tasha's stiff looking body. When I grew closer Kelly looked up from the tricorder and smiled brightly, Hi Data Ill excuse you two. I sat down in the chair Kelly had left for me and placed my hand on Tasha's gentle. 

Mmmfff.....Data is that you?
Yes, I am here Tasha. 
Data...I love you, please never leave my side...promise...
I Promise Tasha, I wish I could feel love with you...

How are you feeling Tasha. Dr. Crusher said with a worrisome voice.
I am well, I feel stiff, weak, hungry and thirst, but other than that I am just fine.
As expected, you have three broken ribs, a fractured collar bone and sever concussion.
When can I report Back to duty, Dr. , Captain?

Tasha tried to sit up but the pain immediately brought her back down onto the bed. 
 I Don't want to stay and recover in Sick Bay Dr. Crusher.
We can arrange a medical staff member to stay with you in your courters if you wish.

That will not be necessary Doctor, I will stay and watch over Tasha, I have the required skills and I have can have another officer take over my bridge duties; If you approve of course captain.          Permission Granted. Doctor see to it that they make it back to Tasha's courters safely.                       Aye Captain. 

The last time I entered Tasha's courters I experienced a marvelous thing, intimacy. Yet Tasha made me promise "not to tell a soul" I did as she wished even though I think about the memory often and have wished to spend more time together ever since, now is my chance. 

How are you feeling Tasha?
I am functionating within normal parameters, she giggled. 
You are not, you are very injured Tasha, I think I need to run the tricorder back over you.
It was a joke Data, Tasha expressed with a sigh. 

I walked over and sat in the chair right next to her bed. Immediately after placing myself there Tasha grabbed my hand and placed it on her face. 
I know you don't have emotions Data but I cant help but apologize for my behavior the past few months.  
There is no need to apologize Tasha, it is ok, to be ashamed of me and what we did together I could never hold that to you. 
Data! How could you say something like that! I would never be ashamed of you or what we did, I am only ashamed of the way I have treated you after, and myself.
Yes...Denying myself to show the affection I have for you. 

I watched as tears started to build up in Tashas eyes, not knowing what to do I leaned in and kissed applying the softest pressure possible, yet still with enough pressure so she could feel it. 
Tasha, though I can not express the human emotion of love, I have grown accustomed to you, I think about you often, perhaps more than once daily, please do not feel sad or guilty for the way you treated me, as you can not hurt me I have no feeling and can not be hurt. 

Tasha grabbed me by my collar and pulled me towards her lips, she kissed me softly and it was an amazing feeling to feel again.
As we held our kiss a memory bank of that night opened up and a since of familiarity opened up, I could not break our kiss and wanted to feel more of her soft silky lips. 

Tasha broke the kiss though and looked at me with her dazzling hazel eyes and for the first time I was able to smile as humanly as ever, effortlessly. 
I know you cant feel any of this data, but I do truly love you. 
Yet I can in other ways Tasha, maybe not an emotion, but I can feel your hair, your skin and lips, I can feel you staring at me from the tactical panel, and I can feel you looking into my eyes at this very moment and I cherish it all greatly, I know I cant give you the emotional security of me being fond of you, but I can give you the physical, and if you wish Tasha, I would like to show you what all I can offer as a potential mate. 
I would like that very much Data, but for tonight I think I am going to rest, would you care to help me into my pajamas and join me. 
Of course Tasha. 

Helping Tasha into her pajamas was a difficult task, after twenty five minutes of painful cries I finally was able to get them on and Tasha comfortable again, I extended her bed and had Geordie feed spot and bring me more suitable clothing. It was almost 0200 hours before I was able to lay next to her, we both layed there on our backs staring at the stars. Tasha smelt absolutely lovely, honey suckles and lavender floated in the air and her smell left me helpless. 

Goodnight Data
Goodnight Tasha, sleep well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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