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Chrissy👑: Who's idea was it to bring a huge snake home?

Laur✨: We bonded very well.

Chrissy👑: Well, its the only animal you actually bonded with.

Laur✨: True but I 'borrowed' it off my friend whilst she was in Jamaica.

Chrissy👑: Are you sure you didn't steal it from the pet store.

Laur✨: Positive.

Chrissy👑: Okay then...

Laur✨: Btw I have to be careful with it since Lisa is anxious it is gonna strangle one of us to death and it will either be me or Amy.

Chrissy👑: Surely the snake can't be that evil...

*Glaring into Christina's soul*

Chrissy👑: Pls don't kill us...


Kath😇: Hi Lise how are things doing?

Lise💋: Pretty good thanks. I've watched a few movies on Netflix with Amy.

Kath😇: Awesome were they trash or good.

Lise💋: Pretty good. Shes fallen asleep on me💕

Kath😇: Awe thats great and cute...what are thinking about doing when she's awake?

Lise💋: Did something happen and thats why your texting me like this?

Kath😇: Some idiot...NEARLY CRASHED MY CAR!!

Lise💋: Damn, lets go take them out together...


Ames🌸: Are you sure about this Dani? Last time you did this, Alex went crazy.

Dan🖤: Don't worry, its a harmless prank.

Ames🌸: You could say that after I got food poisoning last week at a double date with Lisa, Christina and Kath.

Dan🖤: Wait, someone did it as a prank.

Ames🌸: I don't know. Don't care. Next question.


Alex: I can hear y'all!!

Dan🖤: Run.

Ames🌸: Why?

Dan🖤: Just run. Unless you want to get locked in a closet and forgotten about for a few hours as Alex's 'harmless' revenge prank.

Ames🌸: We're having pranking wars. COME AT ME ALEX!!


Chrissy👑: Anyone seen Amy about?

Alex👓: I have no idea..

Lise💋: Something doesn't feel right.

Joey👦🏻: I wanna hang out with Amy.

Michael👨🏻: She can't be that far.

Nick🤟🏻: True

Christian🙏🏻: ^^

Lise💋: Alex, you didn't...

Alex👓: Its revenge on Dani for trying to prank me.

Chrissy👑: I know its a pranking war and they are supposed to be harmless...but don't do that again in case she faints.

Alex👓: Now I know for next time.

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