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Hey guys, I managed to get a little something done for Error's birthday - April 4th. It's probably not going to be great or up to my normal 'standard', but I hope you enjoy none the less. I'm posting it on the 5th, but hope you guys don't mind. Please bear in mind that i was half asleep writing this, but I was determined to finish it, so sorry for any mistakes and stuff.


No One's POV:

A large, foreboding castle stood tall in the centre of an old, abandoned town, shrouded in a thick fog. The castle's shadow loomed over the desolate town, menacingly in the thin moonlight, the overcast skies barely letting any of the silvery beams seep through. Every so often, lightning would fork through the clouds and strike the earth below, scorching the ground, these flashes would often be accompanied great peals of thunder.

The weather reflected the gloomy and conflicted moods of the castles six sole inhabitants. Nightmare, Cross, Dust, Killer, Horror and Blueberry. Mourning the loss of their best friend, and elder brother figure - Error.

The six skeletons were scattered around the large living room - some were sitting in armchairs or sprawled out on the sofas, while the others hung from the ceiling, their legs wrapped around metal rungs that somewhat resembled trapeze. The air was thick with a sad tension.

"Today would have been wonderful... We had everything planned and ready to go... He would have loved it, wouldn't he?" Blueberry murmured quietly from his place, curled up next to Dust - despite how quite he had been, he knew they had all heard him.

"I finally found the perfect present to give him, too..." Horror mumbled sadly as he swung lightly to and fro on his metal rung.

"I think he would have really appreciated the work you put into making that 'super special' headdog, Horror." Killer said, hanging limply from the rung across from Horror.

"I think he'd have liked the axe too - Blood sharpened it 'specially for him." Horror said, his voice close to cracking. Wrapping his arms around himself, Horror's eye sockets welled with red magic as he broke down into quiet sobs. Knowing that they couldn't do anything, the others sat there feeling helpless.

"Overwrite and I were going to give him a quarter of our chocolate stash and a really cool knife..." Cross said quietly, his voice muffled because of his scarf. Cross was curled up on the sofa, his skull resting in Nightmare's lap. Nightmare was absentmindedly stroking the top of Cross' skull, seemingly deep in thought.

"Speck wanted to make spaghetti and I was going to try helping, though I'd probably have been kicked out of the kitchen again." Dust added, picking a sobbing Blueberry up and placing him on his lap. As he finished speaking, a silence fell over the group - the only sounds were of the pounding rain and frequent claps of thunder.

They stayed like this for a few minutes, until a sudden, loud noise from the hall made them jump. They all turned their skulls towards the large mahogony doors as they flew open, revealing an annoyed Ink - he looked ready for a fight.

"Not now squid." Nightmare said, his voice completely monotonous as he waved a hand dismissively at Ink and turned back to stroking Cross' skull. Ink's expression turned into one of pure confusion as he surveyed the gang. "The front door is down the corridor and to the left."

Just as Ink was about to respond, a heavy thump sounded on the floor above. Wondering who this new intruder could be, all but Ink teleported into the upstairs hall - outside Error's room. The gang readied themselves for an attack as Nightmare pushed the door open with one of his tentacles, but froze with shock when they saw the source of the loud noise.

"ERROR!" Yelled Blue, worriedly as he saw the Destroyer's collapsed form. The other's froze as they too saw their brother. Blue rushed forward, checking his best friend over for injuries - finding none, he scooped the Destroyer into a crushing hug. The rest of the gang soon joined in, sandwiching Error between them.

An awkward cough came from the doorway of Error's room. The gang turned to glare at Ink as Nightmare wrapped his tentacles around the group protectively, leaving two free to attack if necessary. Ink stepped forward, but instantly regretted the decision as the instant his foot touched the floorboards he was grabbed by six individual gravity magics and was pushed back. Each member of the group had magic flames pouring out of their left eye socket, causing Ink to freeze and drop his paintbrush in fear.

"UGh, guYs? YoU'Re crUshING mE hERe..." A small, glitchy voice squeaked from within the skeleton sandwich. Their magic quickly vanished as the unwrapped themselves from a confused and disoriented Error. The began bombarding him with questions almost instantly - 'where were you?' 'what happened?' 'how did you get here?' 'we thought you were dead!'

"I'll ANsWer YouR qUEstIOns anD StUFf sOOn. ThoUGh, I Do HAve a QUesTion Of My Own - wHAt is mY brOTher dOinG?" Error asked, pointing over at Ink, who was sulking on the other side of the doorframe - mumbling unhappily about being shoved out of the room.

"Complaining." Blue stated.

Suddenly, Ink found himself being wrapped in blue strings, but strangely felt no need to struggle or fight against them. The strings took him over to Error, who was now sat cross-legged in the middle of the floor, surrounded by Nightmare's gang. "InKy?


Without warning Error lunged forward, wrapping his arms around Ink in a hug, releasing him from the strings. "I missed you, brother." Error said. his voice glitchless, as Ink slowly, unsurely returned the hug - a cascade of memories flooded into Inks mind as he did so. The onslaught of memories caused the young creator to pass out as they tried to process it all.

Error chuckled lightly, smiling as he realised his plan was a success - he had succeeded in getting his brother back. The Destroyer got to his feet, taking his brother in his arms and moved over to his bed, placing Ink down and turning to face Nightmare and the others. They had all been frozen with shock and curiosity by Error's previous actions - not quite believing their eye lights.

"NoW, QueSTioNs?"

The gang quickly began asking the first questions that came to mind and Error answered.

-Time Skip-

Once they had finished their questioning of the Destroyer, the gang had Blueberry distract Error while the rest of them got to work setting up the party that had been planned for Error. The group enlisted the help of Ink after he woke up. It was all set up within two hours.

Once everyone was sure that everything was ready, they called Blue telling him it was okay to bring Error back to the castle. 

As soon as Error and Blue teleported into the living room, error was met with his friends and brother shouting "SURPRISE!" He had forgotten about his own birthday amongst all that had happened recently, but it filled his Soul with joy to find that they hadn't.

Each member of the gang gave Error what they had gotten him, but Ink had nothing. Error reassured his brother that it was fine - Ink remembering was the best birthday gift he could have had.


Hey guys sorry the ending is so rushed. I wanted to get it out to you and it has taken me several hours to do this (i kept dozing off - it's nearly 5am and I've been doing this since 11pm). I hope you enjoyed this, despite it being rushed.

Sniper Mouse


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