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"Jordan! Get in the car!" A man called out.
You followed his orders, as you had no other option. You huddled up against the door after you got in.

   This was the only life you knew. Being driven to an unknown place to be sold to groups of men over and over again. You had no say in anything. Everyday was endless abuse. Every minute was pain. Every second you thought about ending your life just to get away from it all.

  After several hours, you arrived at an airport. You were going on a plane? Maybe this was your chance to escape.
  "Jordan, don't you do anything. Let us do all the talking. And if you even THINK about escaping, you're in big trouble...and you KNOW what happens when you get in trouble..." One of the men trailer of. All you did was nod your head in agreement.

Damn it...there goes your chance...

You quickly walked into the airport with the men and to the terminal. Soon you were aboard the plane and on your way to Stockholm, Sweden. This was going to be a long flight.

Fifteen hours later you landed in Sweden. The place was beautiful! Sadly, you most likely wouldn't get to see much of it. You just hoped the new men you were going to be sold to were a little nicer than the ones you were with. You hoped that they wouldn't beat you every hour just for the fun of it.

You walked out of the airport and into the chilly air. Soon a ride came and picked you up.
One of the men came over to you and quickly tied your hands behind your back and put a blindfold over your eyes. You were used to this, but still hated it.

You were roughly shoved into the car as it sped away. In about 30 minutes the car came to a stop and you were taken out.

"How much?" Another man asked.

"500. And careful, they're a feisty one. Keep an eye on 'em."

Your hands were unbound and the blindfold was removed to reveal two men in dark clothing.

"What do you think? Should we just do it here?" One man asked.
  "Hell yeah. I can't wait to get my hands on 'em!" The other man answered.

Within seconds both men had you stripped down. You tried to stop them, but nothing worked. It never did. You were nothing but a toy to them. That's all you ever would be.

  After what seemed like an hour, you were then shoved into a nearby car. It sped off and in about ten minutes you were taken out and shoved into a shed. The space was empty, with no windows, and no light. A small, dirty mattress with a single thin blanket laid in the corner to the left.

  "Here you go. This is where you stay." One man said.
Man, this was worse than before. You carefully walked over to the mattress, only to find that there was broken glass on the cold concrete floor. Your bare feet ended up getting all cut up. You got to the mattress and flopped down on it.
  You began to pick pieces of glass out of your foot. At least if you wanted to kill yourself, it would be easy...

  Months went by. Everyday was worse than the other. It was endless abuse. Today was the day you would be sold, to yet another group of men. This time...this time you would try to escape.

Again, you were restrained and blindfolded as you were shoved into the car. This drive was much longer. After a while, you were taken out.

  "600. No less."
The restraints were taken off, and the blindfold was removed. You bolted out of the way before any of the men could grab you. You sprinted across the street and down a block.
  "Get back here!" The men called.
You glanced back only to see that they were gaining in on you. You were getting out of breath. The men's footsteps were getting closer and closer by the second.
  You only made it another block before one of the men grabbed you.
  "No! Let me go!" You scream as you try to fight the man off, tears streaming down your face. That's when you hear a different man's voice call out.

What Happened That Night? ( A Seike X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now