Just Another Day

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Two years later...
"Seike!" You shouted as you ran towards him smiling. He glanced over his shoulder before you jumped on his back, making him laugh.
  "Morning Jordan. You must have slept well." He said with a grin.
  "Yeah." You replied.

  "So, I was thinking, since today is your 18th birthday, how do you feel about going to the bar and getting some drinks later tonight?" Seike asked.
  "That sounds fun!" You exclaim happily.

"Alright. Just try not to drink too much." Seike said with a laugh.

The day continued as normal. For the most part, you and Seike sat on the couch watching movies or playing games. Eventually, it was time for you to head to the bar.

Seike called a cab over after you walked a little ways into the city. He opened the door for you, and the two of you piled in.
  "Vart är du på väg? (Where are you two headed)" the cab driver asked.
"Till isbaren. Det är deras 18-årsdag och jag vill att det ska vara lite speciellt (to the ice bar. Its their 18th birthday, and I want it to be a little special)" Seike said, gesturing to you.
The cab driver nodded, and you were on your way.

  "Whoa...where are we going?" You asked excitedly.
  "To the bar. Duh." Seike replied with a slight smirk on his face.
  "Well I know THAT. I wanted to know which one we're going to." You said.
  "It's a surprise." Seike replied with a wink.
"Fine." You said with an eye roll.

About an hour later, you arrived at the bar. As soon as you walked in, your jaw nearly dropped to the floor. Everything was made purely out of ice, even the glasses.
  "Welcome to the icebar." Seike said with a grin.
  "Holy shit...this is amazing!" You replied as you sat at the bar counter. Seike sat down next to you.
  "What can I get for you two tonight?" The bartender came over and asked.
  Seike glanced at you, and ended up ordering your drink.
  "två loki (two loki)" Seike replied, holding up two fingers.
  "It's really good. They all are." Seike said to you.
  "Well, thanks for ordering for me." You said with a giggle.

Soon your drinks arrived. You grabbed the ice glass and took a sip.
  "Holy shit this is good!" You exclaim.
  Seike giggled. "Yeah, they are pretty good. I'm surprised they didn't ID you though." Said Seike.
  "Yeah. Oh well." You replied.

You were there for a few hours, and you did the exact opposite of what Seike told you earlier that day. You had WAY too much to drink. The world spun around. You didn't know if you liked the feeling, or if you hated it.
  You looked around and Seike had suddenly disappeared.
  "Hey, where the fuck did you go?" You softly call out. When no one answered, you stood up to go look for him, except...when you stood up, you instantly fell on your face. Someone picked you up while laughing.
"I think someone needs to go home..." It was Seike. His words were slightly slurred. He was drunk too.
  "Seike! You're back!" You shouted.
  "Of course I'm back. How could I stand to leave you alone?" Seike said as you snuggled into the crook of his neck.
"You sure are cuddly." Seike joked.
  "Hehe yeah. But only with you..." You answer.
  "Well I sure am flattered. I'm gonna get a few more drinks. Then we're going home." Seike said.
"Kaaaayyy" You drag your words out.
Seike got a few more drinks and was soon almost as drunk as you were.
You fell over backwards off the barstool and started laughing.

"Okay, come on, we need to go home." Said Seike as he guided you towards the door laughing. The two of you could barely walk, but you managed to reach the door.
  He gestured for a cab to come pick you up and take you home. Soon one showed up. The two of you stumble and practically fall into the cab. You laid your head in Seike's lap. He played with your hair as the cab took you home. You stared up at him...in particular...his slightly parted lips. You smile like an idiot, making Seike look down at you.
"You like your hair being played with, don't you?" Seike said.
"Mmhmm." You mumble.
   "That's cute..." Seike said quietly.
"Well, so are you." You replied in a seductive tone.
Seike laughed before looking down at you again. You sat up and rested your head on Seike's shoulders before falling asleep.
  Soon you arrived. Seike woke you up and you stumbled up the steps and through the door. Seike face-planted onto the couch as you stumble over to him.
  "Ugh scootch over." You mumble.
  Seike made just enough room for you to sit, but you ended up laying on him instead.
Seike turned on the TV, but neither one of you really knew what was even on. Nor did you care.
  "You know...your eyes are really pretty Seike..." You whisper.
  "Thanksies!" Seike said with a huge grin. "I get that a lot."
  You giggle as you rest your head on his shoulder.
  "Anyways....you think my eyes are pretty...well, let me tell you, that you're fucking gorgeous." Seike continued as he snaked an arm around your waist.
  The two of you stared at each other until...Seike pretty much slammed his face into yours, giving you quite a violent kiss. You try not to giggle as you kiss him back. After a while, the kiss became a bit more passionate, leading to a full make out session.
  This lasted damn near half an hour and almost led to other....things.

"Uhhh fuck this. I'm just going to bed" Seike groaned.
  "Waaaiit...don't leave meeee...Come baack." You whine.
  "What...." Seikes's words trailer off.
  "I don't want to be alone." You said as you stared at him.
He was fucking adorable, as he was tired, and he had that adorable sleepy boy voice.
  "Ugh, I SUPPOSE I can take you with me." Seike said sarcastically as he came over and picked you up off the couch.

You snuggle into him and smile. Damn, you could live like this everyday...in fact...you WANTED this everyday.
"Seike?" You asked quietly.
   "Hm?" He answered.
"...let's be more than friends..." You said in almost a whisper.

"Heh, let's wait until you sober up a bit...okay?" Seike said. You could tell he was smiling.
  "Seeeiikeeee I'm not THAT drunk..." You urge.
  "Yeah, suuree you aren't. You can't even walk." He joked.
  "Yeah I can..." You said.
  "Oh really? Well I guess you can go to your own room then, and I wont have to look after you." Seike said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
  "You're mean." You replied as Seike set you down just inches away from his bedroom door.
  "Well?" Seike said as he stared at you, eyebrows raised.
  You groan and lightly headbut Seike's arm.
  "You're a pain. Come on..." Seike said as he put an arm around you and walked you into his room.

You climbed in bed with him and curled up into a ball. Seike chuckled and shook his head as he drifted off to sleep.

"Seike?" You asked. It had only been about an hour.
What?" Answered Seike, who's voice was all groggy.
  "...you...you do know I was being serious about being more than friends...right?" You asked as you pulled your head up. Even though it had only been a few minutes, your head had already found it's way to Seike's chest.
  "You're still on about that?" Seike replied as he adjusted himself so that he could look at you.
  You nodded your head and stared into his blue-green eyes. He looked back, clearly unaware of what to say.
  "Seike...you're the first person who has ever been nice to me...and...well...you're nice to me for a reason...right?" You said slowly.
  "Yeah...but......" Seike trailed off. "I guess you're right...I guess I DO love you I just never wanted to admit it because I was scared I'd frighten you away. It's not easy to trust someone after everything you've gone through..." Seike continued as he adverted his gaze away from you.
  "Well...I trust you...these past two years have been the best and...you've never hurt me...so I don't think you ever will. You're an easy person to trust..." You trail off and smile.
  "Well, I still want you to wait until tomorrow to bring this subject up again. You are still pretty drunk, and so am I...I...don't want either one of us to make a dumb decision." Seike said.
  "Ugh, fine." You replied as you rolled over.
  "Hey, get back here...I never said we couldn't cuddle..." Seike said as he grabbed you and pulled you close to him.
  You two soon fell into a dreamless sleep...

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