Fatal mistake.

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This was it. This was the moment.

The edge of the roof was right in front of me, ominously quiet. The breeze was quite strong up here, pushing my hair around forcefully.

I could only hear my pacing footsteps as I decided my fate with clouded thoughts. Rain eased from the sky and started to pitter patter against the roof, turning into a crescendo of unwanted noise as I tried to think.

'Should I really be doing this? This is stupid, there's nothing after you die, so what's the point?.."
An uncomfortable heavy feeling tugged at the middle of my eyebrows, so I presumed I was frowning.

Well, why wouldn't I be, I was told to commit suicide by someone who used to be my best friend.

"Kacchan..." I barely hummed above the rain. I brushed my hair out of my face in distress, but when I felt the water cling to my hand from it, I finally realised how cold I really was.

Yet, my teeth weren't chattering, and I wasn't shivering. Just a numb feeling flooded my emotions and senses.

I walked up to the edge of the roof hesitantly, looking down. My heart lurched at the sight, clearly understanding that I was at least four stories high.

'Oh god.. what am I doing..'

I step back afew steps to pace around again, holding my chin nervously and muttering. Uncertainty was making my heart dance awkward rhythms inside my chest.

'I never thought it would happen like this, but here we are I suppose.' I thought to myself as rain hit my face in small, harsh droplets.

"One thing leads to another, a million seperate possibilities joining together to one end.. perhaps I should be glad it'll all be over soon. After all, i'm going to be looked down apon for the rest of my life.. what kind of life is that.."

Delicately I removed my shoes and neatly placed them together beside the edge. A slow sigh drifted out of my mouth as I looked out at the perfect horizon infront of me.

"So this is it huh?.. last words... well, I suppose they'll be 'I'm going to beat your ass when I get a cool quirk Kacchan, you won't even know what hit you.' Yeah. That sounds passive-agressive enough. Perhaps i'd leave out the swear word... oh who am I kidding, nobody cares."

Dizziness was starting to make my vision swirl the longer I stared down. My socks were soaking wet, one of the most uncomfortable feelings anyone should have the misfortune to experience.

"Oh mom.. I'm so sorry.."

Regrets were finally starting to pour into my head. My whole body began to violently shake, which should have happened awhile ago.

"What am I doing... Stupid Kacchan.. why do I even listen to you... all that comes out of your mouth is angry garbage.."

I slowly tried to shudder away from the edge, though it was clumsy, the shaking hindering my movements.

And that, was my fatal mistake.
I never wanted to die at all, yet in that moment my foots grip failed, and I could feel the excruciating panic as it slid backwards over the ledge. I felt it all happen in slow motion as it dragged my body backwards into thin air.

Soon, my whole leg was off the edge, and I let out a shriek of terror. My hands flailed at the edge of the roof desperately, but to no avail. Now, only my foot was on the roof, and that too slid off.

"MOM I'M SO SORRY!!" I shrieked in my last few moments alive, the crippling feeling of horrible descisions clinging to my back like a disease.

The fall was quick, and all that could be heard was a loud squelchy crack. The pain crushed me like a boulder, my back screaming out in agony. My vision blacked out, and I couldn't hear anything, but I promise you, I didn't need to see to figure out what it looked like.

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