tomber. 1777.

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At nine years old, Sirius Orion Black decided that his mother was a horrible person and that Euphemia Potter was better.

Which explained how much time he did spend in the Potter's manor, running in the garden and pranking the domestics with James. Like two brothers, inseparable.

Walburga had agreed on this friendship, she had let Sirius leave, she had no use for him in a near future, he was still too young to marry and the bride Orion had found for him was not able to bare children yet.

Adélaïde de Beauvarlet was the daughter of the Duke of Beauvarlet, a wealthy man who worked with Orion Black. They had both agreed that Sirius would make a wonderful husband for Adélaïde.

Adélaïde was seven years old, a frail little thing with brown eyes and thin lips. In a girl like Narcissa Black you could already see the beauty and feminity, even at such a young age. But Adélaïde lacked grace and charm. She had no allure, her mousy hair always uncombed, her grey dress covered in dirt and grass. She was not what Walburga would have chosen for her oldest son, but the Beauvarlets were rich, powerful and such a wedding would humiliate Cygnus and his pitiful wife.

Cygnus had found a husband for Bellatrix. Rodolphus Lestrange, son of the royal accountant and of a duchess. He was a twelve years old boy, known to be cruel with his pets and domestics. Some even said that he had gouge the eyes of his nursemaid because he liked to hear her scream. In a way, he would make a perfect husband for the vile little thing that was Bellatrix.

Narcissa was already betrothed to a boy as well. Lucius Malfoy, the only son of Abraxas Malfoy, an authoritative politician who had seen Narcissa, her long blond hair and piercing grey eyes, and had known for certain that this girl was made for his son.

Andromeda, on the other hand, was too kind. She didn't want to fight for a husband she had no intention to marry. Cygnus hated her, found her useless, he couldn't stand her gentle ways and courteous words.

She was a rose in a house of thorns.

Sirius liked Andromeda. She was his favourite cousin and he hoped she would somehow marry James so they could all be a family.

Sirius' plans were defeated by the arrival of new British domestics at the Potter's house and the very special newcomer with ginger hair.

"Who is that?" Whispered James.

"That his the new cook's youngest daughter, Lily." Answered Euphemia Potter, appearing behind her son and making the two boys jump in the air in surprise. "She's about your age, so be very nice to her, honey."

James nodded, his eyes locked on the crimson haired girl. Euphemia looked at the boy she now considered her second son.

"Oh Sirius, mon cher, I asked your mother if she agreed on getting you an esquire and she seemed thrilled."

"An esquire?" Said Sirius, frowning.

"Yes, I think in France you would call them écuyer."

"But why would I need an esquire, madame Potter? I do not own a horse."

"But you will! It his tradition for young gentleman like you to make hunt foxes with their fathers."

"I believe that's only in England, madame. We mostly hunt pheasant in France and we don't do it on horses."

"Then maybe your esquire can just be your friend! He's your age, a little younger. His mother sent him here all alone and he might need some company."

"I don't want to spend my time with a baby."

"He's eight years old, Sirius. Not two."

Euphemia looked dejected, her beautiful face turning into a morose smile.

"I didn't mean to make you sad, madame. I'll stay with my esquire, but I am not sure my parents will let him follow me to the Black manor."

"Your father sent me a letter, he said he was delighted to welcome another domestic!" Laughed Euphemia.

Of course Orion would have written such a thing. But the Potters didn't know Sirius' father like he did. Orion Black had never been, in his life, delighted.

"Here he comes!" Said Euphemia, breaking Sirius' thinking and making him turn around.

His esquire was a small boy with chestnut hair and amber eyes, pale skin and fragile arms that made him look like a porcelain doll, like the ones Narcissa would play with. And the ones Bellatrix would break in spite.

"Hello, you must be Sirius Black." Said the boy, his accent so strong that Sirius took a moment to understand him.

"Yes, that's me. And you are?"

"My name is Remus Lupin and I will be your esquire."

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