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I felt my body being ripped away from the mess on the floor. "Jensen.. Jensen you have to stop!"
"Let. Me. Go!" I shout, bringing my elbow back to catch his shoulder.
My body was released and I ran back towards the man on the ground.
Grabbing a fist full of his hair and dragged him over the rocks, slamming his head into a nearby wall.
Blood splattered across my clothes and face.
"You... You killed him!"
"I had no choice! I needed to!"
"No you didn't! This isn't you!"
"You don't know me!"
My body jolted awake as cold sweat raced down my forehead.
Again, I thought of him..
Again, his memory haunted me..
I looked down to see the covers now messily thrown across the floor.
I began to fix the bed, wondering if I had woken anyone up.
But I'm sure they're up anyways. They're always up before me.
A quiet knock sounded at the door. "Breakfast?"
I mumbled a response, rummaging through my dressers for something to wear.
In the kitchen, my roommates sat at the island.
"How did you sleep?" Genevieve asked softly.
"No, Jensen we heard you. Again. This has been happening too often. You should seriously go see that specialist is recommended." Jared folded his arms and gave me a hard look. "You're losing."
I know he's right. But there's no way in hell I'm going to therapy. "I've almost found an apartment. I'll be out of your hair soon."
"That's not what we want." Gen sighed. "We want you to get help. You need help and that's okay. Nobody will think any less of you."
I nodded my head. "Yeah."
It was quiet again.
Both of them just watched me with annoyed yet sad faces. They worry about me more than I worry about myself.
They've got to understand that this is just me. This is how I've been since the incident and this is how I'll be for the rest of my life.
I fucked up.
I felt my appetite diminish as Gen moved towards Jared. They've been in love for years and I some what envy what they have. I want it. But I can't have it. Not with all my baggage. No one deserves to be with someone like me.
I just quietly turned and headed back to my room. I should probably see about that apartment before work.
As soon as my back hit the comforter, it cracked and I instantly felt more relaxed. I kicked off my work boots and attempted to undress while still on my back. I hardly felt like moving any more than required.
However, another knock sounded at the door. It's nearly eleven at night. What does he want?
The door opened a crack. "Dude!"
"I said yes not come in." I chuckled, pulling the blanket over my waist and sitting up. "What is it?"
He cautiously opened his eyes before stepping back into the room. "We have guests."
So late?
I groaned. "No buddy, you have guests. I'm going to bed."
"No you aren't. Misha and Alexander are here." He went to my dresser and threw me a shirt and sweats. "Come on. Just for a little while."
I rolled my eyes, slowly standing up and dressing. "Only a bit. I'm sore and tired."
I walked out after the larger man, smiling at the smell of food. "Who cooked?"
"I did."
Weird. That doesn't sound like Gen.
I peered around the giant and saw a tiny brunette sipping water from my favorite glass.
I instantly frowned.
Jared nudged me. "I forgot to mention Genevieve's friend. Jensen, Danneel. Danneel, Jensen."
"Nice to meet ya." She smiled, tying her hair back. "I made chicken, greens and my world famous baked macaroni."
"World famous? Sure." I mumbled. "That's my glass."
She peered down at it. "Its a nice glass."
I rolled my eyes before turning to Jared. "This better not be."
However the blush on his face already told me it was.
They set me up.
"Hey." Misha came up and gave me a guy shake. Followed by his shy friend Alexander.
I've know this guy for about half a year and yet he still seems so timid around me. Maybe it's my face. I should probably smile.
"What's up? Why such a late visit?"
"Jared said dinner and we came running." Misha shrugged. "I didn't expect Danneel to be cooking though."
"Oh shut up, Collins. I'm a great cook and you know it." She began making plates.
How long have they known her? How haven't I?
I grabbed Jared by his arm and tried to drag him out of the room. Normally this would be a struggle, but he just came with.
I waited until we hit the end of the hall to scold him. "Jared, if this is a set up I want no part of it."
"Give it a chance, Jensen. Shes a nice girl. And she sure as hell can cook." She wiggled his eyebrows. "Total wifey."
I gagged. "Never again."
He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just talk to her. Maybe she's the distraction you need."
Maybe he's right. Maybe this Danneel girl could get my mind off things. Her body sure can.
"You're depressed, Jensen. You need to let go of the past. Start on your future. Be happy."
I rolled my eyes. "Jesus, I can't tell if you're trying to be Shakespeare or cupid."
I should've said something funnier. Like a mix of Shakespeare and Cupid. Stupid.
He gave me a look as if to say: Try.
I sighed. "If it sucks it's your fault."
"I know." He grinned. "But can we talk about how cute you looked trying to pull me along?"
"Bye." I turned on my heels and began to walk back to the kitchen. I hope she can cook.

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