Good Fiction

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Gerard and I continued for about two weeks like that. Him coming over to work together on weekdays, hanging out for a while, then going home. It was comfortable for the both of us, which is why I was surprised when I received a text from Gee early Monday morning.

From Picture Boy: Hey I know we normally work at your place, but do you wanna come over to my house today?

That's a little weird, but maybe he just likes his house better. It must be annoying to lug all his art stuff here and back everyday, while I just have my laptop and journals.

From Me: yea sounds cool. See you then😁

From Picture Boy: see you

I spent the next hour getting ready to leave, the whole time thinking of Gerard. The last two weeks had been very fun. He was strange and had weird habits and interests, but then again, so did I.

When I had finally finished getting ready, I reached for my beanie. Strangely, it wasn't in the spot that I usually put it in. Great, time to go hunt for a hat.

First I looked on my shelves. Not there. Then under my bed. Not there either. I was beginning to get worried that I had lost it. How would I have lost it though? I didn't go anywhere yesterday, and I know I had it then. I rushed around my apartment, frantically searching for my favorite keepsake. My worries were able to come to a halt when I saw my beanie tucked under a stack of books. I pulled it out and pulled it on my head. I figured I should leave, so I got my laptop bag and tucked a few notebooks into the side pocket and headed out the door.

About 30 minutes later, I arrived at the address that Gee had texted me. I slowly walked up the driveway and stood in front of the door for a few moments. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door exactly 3 times, then waited.

It took a few seconds for someone to answer the door. When they did, it was an older woman. She greeted me with a smile.

"Hi there!" She said cheerily.

"Um, hi. I'm Y/n. I'm supposed to be here to see Gerard, is he home?" I rocked on my heels nervously, partially avoiding eye contact.

Her face brightened and she stepped aside, inviting me in. "Oh yes, Gerard said he'd have you over! I'm Donna, by the way, Gerard's mom." She closed the door behind us as I stepped inside, then led me through their kitchen and to a wooden door. "Gerard's downstairs in the basement, doing Lord knows what." She laughed and opened the door before calling down. "Gee, sweetie, you have a visitor. Please don't keep her waiting."

I heard some shuffling noises and a few seconds later Gee appeared at the bottom of the staircase. He smiled when he saw me, then turned to his mom. "Thanks mom."

Donna smiled at me and walked back to the living room. I briskly ran down the stairs and greeted Gerard. "What's keen jellybean?" I gave him some finger guns. He gave me an enthusiastic grin.

"Not much with me, maple tree." He laughed and walked to a large desk that was pushed up against the wall. " where I work."

It was a drawing table, and a rather nice one too. Not that I was much judge on what made a drawing table good, as my skill was in words, but the structure looked sleek and sturdy. Pencils and pens and other utensils littered the top and floor, as well as crumpled paper thrown around the room.

"I uh..... I tried to clean up a little bit." Gerard shoved his hands in his back pockets and rocked back on his heels. "I'm not super great at cleaning though, but I bet you can see that."

"Aww, don't sweat it pillow pet," I reasoned. "It seems to work for you, and if not, I'm great at cleaning."

"Pillow pet?"

"Look, they can't all be winners okay?"


Gerard had a long coffee table that he offered up for working, an offer which I gladly took. Spreading my things out was an easy task, and I made sure every single paper, pencil, or post it note was exactly where it needed to be.

"I think I finally have the story down," I declared. "Everything isn't exact or final, but I have the bones and some of the meat, if that makes sense to you."

"I got you," Gerard assured. "Explain your story Y/n."

"So the girl comes home one day and her house is in complete disarray. Things are floating, upside down, moved a few inches to the left; complete discord and chaos. Then she runs into the village and asks for help, but everyone thinks she's crazy except for the boy, so they go out on this big adventure and meet this guy who talks in weird riddles and prose." I took a deep breath and continued. "And the guy gives them a book on hauntings and stuff, so they find the spell thingy they're looking for, and then they have to find the ingredients and stuff." I paused and looked up. "The whole story is in the notes and things, we can further discuss the details when we go through them, of that's good with you?"

"Sounds good!" He smiled and kneeled down next to me, reaching for the first pile of papers. I carefully explained the details, then showed him the script I had at the moment. All through this, Gerard would nod patiently, occasionally asking a question or making a comment. Once or twice, his body would brush mine when he reached for a paper or put one down, making both of us blush a little.

I couldn't figure out why I was getting so flustered by him. I wasn't like this with my old illustrator...much. Gerard was just too much for me. I hadn't even known him very long, but already I wanted nothing more than to be near him whenever possible.

"I know this is a far cry from what I originally told you about, but things usually change, you know?"

"I understand completely." Gerard nodded. "Life almost never turns out the way you originally planned. I never thought I'd be living at my parents' house again."

"Why are you living back here again?" I turned more to him. "Don't tell if you're not comfy with it."

"I'm comfortable with it," he clarified, copying my actions and turning to me. "It's just kind of a long story."

"Gerard, I'm a writer." I rested my head on my hands. "I live for long stories."

Well would you look at who decided to revive their book? It's me! I guess you can thank GravityGrenade for making me remember this story existed, and heymoon123 for all our fanfiction talks and encouraging me to keep going with this one. Hopefully I don't abandon this guy either.

Dizzy S.

Honeybean (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now