Chapter 3

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Y/n woke up to Yeontan beside her,softly and gently licking her face and unknowingly waking her up.

Another day with another day off.

The dogs were let out and she knew who it was. Koda. He learnt how to open doors because he didn't want Y/n to go to the toliet without him.

Weird isn't it?

Y/n got dressed and went out. She wanted to pamper herself today.

She started by dying her hair (f/c) (or any colour you want)

Then she went for a spa treatment. Then a shopping spree. She didn't really buy much. But she bought more dog toys compared to the amount of clothes she bought.

She got home and put the toys in the box on a shelf so Cooper wouldn't be able to get them when she just finished cleaning.

She went onto social media. Only to find a missing poster with Yeontan's name on it.


She called the number.

"OH MY GOD YOU HAVE YEONTAN!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" The person on the other side of the line said.

"When can I pass him to you?"Y/n asked.

"Tomorrow. 4pm at the BigHit building. Ask the receptionist where Taehyung is and show her Yeontan. She'll tell you." The mysterious person said.

She ended the call there and then. She felt something snuggle up against her. She looked and saw Yeontan sleeping. She pat his fur softly.

"You'll see your owner tomorrow." She whispered softly,not wanting to wake the angel.

The next day, Y/n woke up at let the dogs say their final goodbyes to Yeontan. Except that they didn't know that this was a final goodbye.

'Im sorry' Y/n thought in her head.

She drove to the BigHit building. She walked up to the receptionist and asked where Taehyung was.

"Why? How could I know you're not just a sasaeng?" The receptionist asked.

She showed her Yeontan but that wasn't enough.

"How can I know? That may be a robot for all I know." She stated. Y/n was starting to lose her patience.


"Taehyung lost his dog. I'll show her where Taehyung is."

Y/n got into the elevator,Yeontan in hand with the stranger.

"I'm PD-Nim." The stranger said, breaking the awkward silence in the elevator.

"Y/f/n Y/n."

The familiar ding of the elevator sounded.

"First door on the left corridor on the right."PD-Nim said.

Y/n went to the door and Yeontan went insane,seeing his owner. He started barking and whining. Soon enough, he jumped out of Y/n's arms and into Taehyung's.

"Tannie!!!" Taehyung said,hugging Yeontan in his arms,never wanting to let go.

Y/n was about to leave the studio but...Yeontan started barking,as if saying 'Dont go'. 

Taehyung realised and asked Y/n to come closer.

"Thank you. What's your name?" Taehyung asked.

"Y/n" she replied.

"Taehyung. Thank you for finding Yeontan." Taehyung said.

"It's fine. I have 4 other dogs who didn't mind." Y/n replied.

"Can I get your number?" Taehyung asked.

"No problem."

The gave the other their numbers and parted ways.

Sorry for the shorter chapter

Yeontan (Y/n x Taehyung) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now