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It happened so suddenly, happened unexpectedly. It was nighttime, we were walking through a dark Alley way cause Cameron said this was a little 'shortcut' home. My friends were too busy with each other to actually see it. Even though, it was still probably a horrific time it was for them. Me? I was terrified too, but I wasn't awake long enough to know what happened afterwards...

               *One Year Ago*

"CAMERON SHUT UP ALREADY!!" Leo Shouted in annoyance.
"Ok, ok! Leo you need to stop yelling at me and ketchup already. "
Leo had lunged himself at Cameron, grabbed him by his neck and harshly rocked him back and forth.
I started laughing that particular type of laugh where you laugh so hard you can't breathe anymore. I was still watching Leo trying to beat the crap out of Cameron for saying cringey puns until I saw a dark figure run quickly from one side of the alley to the other, in the corner of my eye.
"Hello?" I asked, but no one answered. Leo and Cameron were too busy fighting each other they didn't see me walk away.
I slowly but curiously walked behind a house that the dark figure hid behind.
"Hello?" I repeated.
While walking I accidentally bumped into the dark but tall figure.
Before I could open my mouth to say something or even a mere peep. They grabbed my throat and threw me against the hard brick wall.
"I'm so-sorry I d-don't ha-have any... " I stuttered in fear.
"Gene?! Where are you?!"
I could hear my friends yelling my name looking for me.
"HELP ME!! OVER-" It all happened in a flash.
My vision going so dizzy where I see dark spots, I feel the cold ground from beneath me, my friends screaming while collapsing on their knees beside me but I can't hear them, my chest hurts because I can barely breath. In the corner of my left eye I could see the dark figure run away and Cameron already hot on his heels chasing after him. I look back and see Leo, scared and distressed. Even though my eyesight is so very blurry I qsee that his eyes red and puffy from crying. I feel one of his hands putting pressure on my neck, the other hand he's looking at horrified. I saw dark red liquid dripping from his palm...  Blood... MY BLOOD...  Then it suddently went black...


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[Spanish Version/Version en español] ______________Prólogo_________________Sucedió tan repentinamente, Sucedió inesperadamente

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[Spanish Version/Version en español]
Sucedió tan repentinamente, Sucedió inesperadamente. Era de noche, estábamos en un callejón oscuro porque Cameron dijo que esto era un pequeño 'atajo' a casa. Mis amigos estaban demasiado ocupados el uno con el otro para verlo realmente. A pesar de que probablemente todavía era un momento horrible para ellos. ¿Yo? Yo también estaba aterrorizada, pero no estuve lo suficientemente despierta como para saber qué sucedió después...

                    *Hace Un Año*

"CAMERON SE CALLÓ YA!!" Leo gritó molesto.
"¡Ok, ok! Leo debes dejar de gritarme y ketchup ya".
"¡ESO ES!"
Leo se habío abalanzado sobre Cameron

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