"this is going to sound crazy" - two

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Vivian's POV

After the whole kiss thing I left there as soon as I could, I couldn't even stay the night.

I couldn't face Adina, I felt so guilty and disgusted. Even though she had been a bitch most of the night and encouraged me to do it, I knew she didn't really want me to and it was all an act.

And how was I ever going to face Rocco again? I was hoping that he wouldn't be able to remember it.

I left all of my things at Adina's place. I was currently deciding whether I should go and get them from her house but I didn't want to face her either.

I would have to face her soon anyway at school on Monday so why not just get it out of the way?

I made my way over to Adina's house. All the way there I was praying it wouldn't be awkward between us and I was praying even more that Rocco wouldn't be home.

Of course luck wasn't on my side, that had become clear when Rocco answered the door.

My cheeks instantly turned a dark shade of red and I was looking anywhere but at him.

"Vivian, I was expecting to see you here in the morning. Did you not stay the night?"

"N-no, I mean I was supposed to but I had to go h-home" I cursed myself for not being able to speak correctly, he wasn't acting any different which means he must not remember and that thought calmed me down.

"Is Adina home? I left some of my things here" I asked.

"No she went over to some girls house called Sarah. She was here last night, the really loud and actually quite annoying one"

"She went over to Sarah's house" I said, more to myself than to him, "Would it be ok if I came in and got my things?"

"Of course" Rocco replied and moved out of the way to let me in.

I gave him a small smile as I passed and made my way up to Adina's bedroom.

I guess she was taking this becoming popular thing way too seriously, she hated staying away from home. She had never even stayed over at my house before.

I gathered my things and went back down stairs as soon as possible. I knew it was rude but I was hoping I could just quickly leave without speaking to Rocco again, it was awkward enough to me even though he seemed oblivious to everything.

He was acting like I didn't kiss him last night.

Again luck wasn't on my side because before I reached the door I heard him call my name.

"I just wanted to ask you something before you left" he called out. I turned around to face him and was actually a little startled from how close he was to me.

"What was it?" I asked, avoiding eye contact.

"This is going to sound crazy, I don't know if I was dreaming or" he paused, "infact I was definitely dreaming, but I just wanted to ask. Was you in my room last night?"

If my face wasn't red before it was definitely red now. How was I supposed to get out of this?

I couldn't tell him the truth, I would never be able to face him again.

I chuckled a little, "You're right. Definitely a dream, I really have to go now" I basically screamed and left the house in a hurry, now all I was hoping was that he believed me.


Rocco's POV

Any doubts I had about the kiss actually happening was now out the window.

The chat that I just had with Vivian proved that it wasn't a dream, she kissed me last night.

I didn't know how I should feel about it, she was my daughters best friend.

I should have banned her from ever coming in my house again, I should have told her parents, I should have been furious.

But I wasn't.

Dare I say I even liked it a little?

Get over yourself Rocco, it was probably just a childish dare, so why couldn't I stop thinking about it?

A text message pulled me out of my thoughts. It was from Catherine, a girl I have been dating recently.

Its the first time I had dated since Adina's mother passed, that's why I hadn't yet told Adina about it.

Mostly because I was afraid of how she was going to react but I was going to tell her tonight when I invited Catherine over for dinner.

'Hey babe, Im so excited for tonight, cant wait to see you' I read the text over in my head many times.

I had been so excited for this night, to finally introduce my girlfriend to the most important girl in my life, my daughter.

But now I wasn't looking forward to it and I couldn't figure out why.

After thinking it over a couple of times I finally decided to reply, 'Change of plans, tonight won't be happening, I'm sorry. See you soon'

I felt bad after knowing how excited Catherine had been, I still couldn't figure out why I didn't want it to happen anymore but I had a feeling it had something to do with what happened last night.

❤️892 words

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