"i know it was you" - three

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Vivian's POV

Adina wasn't in school today, which came as quite a shock. She never missed school and when she did she would always let me know first.

I soon realised that she wasn't the only one missing, Sarah and her other followers also wasn't seen running through the school hallways trying to intimidate anyone they crossed paths with.

How far was Adina going to take this little mission she had to become popular? Now she was skipping school, what was it going to be next?

And if her father found out.

Oh, her father.

All weekend thoughts of Adina's father had been on my mind.

More specifically, the kiss.

I can't believe I did something like that. What was even worse was the more I thought about it, the more I think about how much I enjoyed it.

It wasn't a long kiss, quite boring actually but his lips, they was so soft. Was all lips like that? I mean its not like I've kissed a range of different ones.

I was hoping that talking to Adina today would change my mind about the kiss, maybe if I saw her I would start to feel more guilty about it happening instead of happy but of course she didn't turn up.

I didn't realise how different everyday life is without Adina, its the little things like sitting alone in maths, eating alone in the cafeteria and like now, walking home alone.

A car beeped besides me making me almost jump out of my skin, I was so deep in my thoughts I hadn't even realised a car had pulled up next to me.

I recognised the car but I was just hoping it wasn't who I thought it was.

The window rolled down and of course it was exactly who I expected.

"Vivian, can I talk to you for a sec?" Rocco called.

Not this again, I thought as I walked over to the window, lowering my head so I can see him correctly.

Bad move. The more I looked at him, the more I realised how attractive he was.

I was noticing things I never noticed before, like how he would always roll the sleeves of his shirts up on his forearm revealing his tattoos just a little, the way the front of his hair hanged on his forehead but his deep blue eyes was still visible, the way his jaw clenched when he was nervous, annoyed or frustrated. And it was all ten times more attractive.

"Sure, what's up?" I asked trying my best to not show that I was checking him out.

"Get in"

He seemed angry, god this could only mean one thing.

He remembered what happened that night, he was going to shout at me, he was going to be mad and never let me in his house again.

I opened the door with shaking hands, to say I was nervous for what was coming is an understatement.

I sat beside him as still as anything and I kept my eyes forward, afraid to look at him.

"Why the hell was Adina not in school?"

As soon as those words left his mouth I was finally able to breath again, that's why he seemed really angry.

Maybe if I didn't overthink everything I would have realised that.

"I don't know, I haven't spoken to her. I was actually thinking the same thing"

"She's your best friend, if anyone knows it you" he said.

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