Chapter Four | Angel

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Before I could open my mouth to ask the girl what she had done to me-she ran off...Er...more like flew off. A pair of white shiny wings were placed on her back-I assumed that must've been why she wore a big hoodie before. "I see you've met angel" Kaiya said walking up to me. I turned around to meet her eyes "Angel is a very fitting name for her" I slightly grumbled out, she was the one to have knocked me out. Which isn't exactly the nicest thing to do to someone. "Don't mind her," The Goddess softly answered while sitting down next to me "Angel...has been through a lot...she knows what she did was wrong, but she foresaw you in an alternate world saying no to her offer" I frowned as my face had a confused look "Another world? What do you mean?" The leader sighed softly "Angel has...extreme powers." She ran a hand through her black wavy hair "She's the daughter of Virgo....But angel hit the power jackpot. She is able to control minds, can fly, can make almost anything do her bidding to however she pleases-and she's able to see the more probable outcome of any situation." I blinked as I found the goddess closing my jaw that had popped open. She had a sad look in her eyes however "If....if only we found Angel when she got to earth...." she looked down at the floor for a moment before back at me "Al...they kept her in chains. Humans found her in Egypt, and believed she was some form of their gods and some humans offspring-so for nearly all of her life, she was kept imprisoned, not having even a few crumbs to eat in weeks or even months. When we found her-she was half dead." I placed a hand comfortingly on her shoulder as I looked up to where angel flew off to. Sure enough, the small bundle of feathers were in the corner of the cave with her green orbs staring back at me. "Does....does she have anyone to take care of her?" I asked reluctantly. "We all take care of each other-but Angel refuses to let anyone get close." Kaiya mumbled softly. With this, I got up and walked over until I was underneath the ball of feather. "Hey! Up there! Come down here!"
I yelled up. The green eyes met mine again and she floated down and landed clumsily. Angel was small, with long glistening white hair and black horns on her forehead. She stared mainly at the ground-kicking dirt around. I got down to her level and hugged her tightly. I felt the small little girl wrap her arms around me as best she could-and the sniffles coming off of her made my heart ache. I looked up to see Kaiya standing right in front of us, along with majority of the group staring at us. That was it. I made up my mind. "Hey wouldn't happen to need a medic...would you?"

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