Mombie Dearest

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Hey guys sorry for the long wait but chapters like this take a lot of time to think throught and writing it is also hard. So not gonna lie, there was suppose to be smut in this chapter but after re-writing it for the 100th time (i swear) i decided to put the smut in another chapter as this is more then 4000 words long chapter and it's a little wrong to write smut right after one of the character just 'killed' their mom. As it's also thursday (friday its midnight :D while I'm writing this and after this I'm posting it xD) the chapter with the smut will be up during the weeked as I already have 1/2 of it done because I acually started to write it before this chapter. So enough of this and go read! Hope you like it!! 


Riley's POV

Dorian and I are walking with one of the studens and talking about his homework that he needed help with when we suddenly hear Alaric call for Dorian so we run to his office and we see him aiming his crossbow at some woman in a wedding dress. I imidiately flash my eyes and there are sparks comming from my hands as I also feel my wolf fangs in my mouth, I guess that as a hellhound I can grow them like vampires can. "Are you okay? ... Wow wooow." Dorian said and I growled at the woman in front of me.

"Ric, if you could just put down the crossbow. My freak-out level is about 11 right now." The woman says and I look at her back confused. Ric? She knows him? Then why is he aiming the crossbow at her. "You know her?" Dorian asked the same thing I was thinking. "I know who she's supposed to be." What? "Who?" I asked and looked at Ric. "The love of my life." He said and I froze. If this woman is the love of his live than means.....Oh god. It's Lizzie and Josie's mom! But how? She is supposed to be dead? This must be some new monster playing tricks with us.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait" Says the woman and she holds her hands in defense. Right now I don't know if I should change back to my normal human form or stay in my semi wolf one."Hold up. Hold....hold up Ric." Dorian says and walks to Ric. I descide no to change back and I slowly follow Dorian but I stand up besides Ric and show my fangs to Jo. That's the woman's name, I know Josie is named after her as Lizzie is named after Caroline's mom Elizabeth.

The woman takes step back as she sees me. "Listen to Dorian...Are you Dorian?" "Yeah." "I'm Jo." "Are you serious? This is NOT the time for introductions." I say as I look at them both, giving Jo a glare with a little growl. "You're his dead wife? I m-I mean....fiancée...I mean uh... You don't think she's acually..." Really Dorian? Really? "No, I don't." Ric said and I asked. "Did you see how she got here?" "I was sort of um...yanked awake and then I was just here." Yeah because that's normal. "Nothing suspicious about that." "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Dorian asked us. "Kill her before she attacks?" "Wait, what?" "I-I-I was more 'Let's interrogate her' becuase if she is the next monster then, maybe she would know more than the dryad did." Dorian said and looked at Jo while Ric looked at me, silently asking what should he do. 

I shrugged my sholders and looked at Jo and Ric slowly put the crossbow down. "Okay. but no one sees her. Especially today." Ric said and I knew that by today he meant the twins birthday. "Good idea." Dorian and I said at the same time. "I need Emma." Ric said and looked at me. Oh god, today won't end up well. After Emma's interrogation I went and got Jo some clothes she could change into. I'm sure it's uncomfortable to be in your wedding dress especially when you were murdured wearing them. 

Jo was folding the dress and Ric, Emma and I talked. "I put a basic boundry spell to keep her in. Are you sure she can't do magic?" Emma asked us. "She couldn't before she died, so if she can now, I guess we'll learn the hard way." Ric said looking at Emma. "Um, she's right here. And she's got a lot of questions." "Be carefull with this one, you two okay?" Emma said and looked and Ric and then at me. "We will don't worry." I said and gave her a reassuring smile and then she walked away. Ric and I closed the doors and then I looked at him and asked.

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