The Man Who Nobody Loves

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In the glorious dominion of the Imperium Empire, there were crowds of people roaming the streets; their objectives were the daily routine of going to work or providing service to the government. Also, homeless women and men were pushed out of the city, forced out of their homes for not paying what they owe. On every corner of every block there would be a soldier keeping watch on anything that seemed incorrect. Nobody could get even an ounce of privacy. The sound of clanking echoed the streets and the citizens all moved aside when a group of imperium soldiers were in marching position as they forward the street. Those who respected the authority of the Imperium were proud to see them while others who opposed their opposition had sour expressions. In the front leading the men was a major. He was a white man that wore a black service outfit with gold stars on the bone of his shoulders and on his head was a cap with the imperium insignia on it which took the image of an eagle.
The major's eyes were straightforward and had a shady bronze color; also, his hair was like a yellow afro with porcupine spikes. Most of the people in the crowd would look away in fear when the soldiers turn a eye towards them, it was obvious of the reason; their presence and reputation had been imprinted in their hearts. The major had dismissed his team and was headed straight for the fortress; the domain in which the monarch of the imperium resided. At the front of the high fortress, there were two soldiers guarding it. The sight of the major had caused them to stiffen then bow with respect, "Good morning, Major Rain." They both greeted him but they got no reply in return as the imperium man enters the double doors. The king's throne was at the end of the palace so the major went in that direction. Once his presence began to be known, maids and other individuals greeted him happily but he still remained silent. It was as though something was on his mind and only his instincts were guiding him. Finally, at the last door, the major knocks before entering. When he does, he was presented with the regal and gold shining scenery of the king's luxurious chambers. The major followed the red carpet until he got completely to the center then he takes a knee with his head bowed towards his gracefulness.


Up on the highest pillar, a man who's face was being concealed by the bangs of his silver hair was sitting arrogantly on his sovereignty. This mighty monarch had the same color in his eyes as in his hair, and the attire was fit for his majesty. He wore a gold vest with a crimson long-sleeve shirt that displayed his ripped muscles through the cloth. Along side his colorless cape, the pants had a silky pitch black hue that could likely blend in with a lightless area. The boots he wore were golden and the same could be said for the chains around his neck and rings on his finger. There was a Brazilian woman with violet pupils beside him in a bikini with her hair in a beautiful knot and in her hands were a plate of grapes. The king pops the fruit in his mouth and chews on it grumpy before speaking, "Major, what brings you here so early, I don't remember asking to have you here?"
"My deepest apologies," said the major as he brings a smile to his facial. "But I've come to inform you that Platoon-B has not returned from the Alakard Village near the southeast and its nearly been a week since they left."
The king responds with unconcerned silence as the woman feeds him another grape. His majesty props his arm on the edge of the handle and places it underneath his chin as if he was bored, "That can only mean that they've been killed. Seems those people in the village were a force to be reckon with after all."
"By all due respect, I believe that we should counteract this measure by sending more men in order to take over that land."
The king chuckles menacingly, "If I recall, the last man that I sent there was Colonel Null; who would ever thought that he failed me like this."
"Even my expectations of that man were naught, we should think wisely on who we send next." The major suggests.
"Go with Lieutenant Bill and twelve superior officers to make sure that he makes it out with success."
Major Rain nods, "Yes, your highness." He rises and leaves the throne room.
As the man was exiting, once he opened the double doors, there was a another man standing behind it. Major Rain stares at this person and for some reason his facial expression became stern with aggression. The man in his path had returned a wide grin and brushes his gray bang from his sight. What the figure seemed to have been wearing was an imperium uniform but it was really different than that of the major. The attire of the lieutenant was all white and the stars were shown on his right sleeve. His eyes were blue and there were four cuts on his left eyebrow indicating how many bodies he's had.
"Major Rain, I've heard the news about the Colonel who had went missing."
"That's right, what does that have to do with you?" He replies harshly.
"I was just thinking that maybe I should be the one who goes down there and figure out why that has happened?" The tone of the lieutenant became deranged.
Major Rain grunts as his body became stiff all of a sudden, but he had to strengthen his composer again, "This has nothing to do with you, my lord has already implemented a plan of action."
"We'll see about that!"
The Lieutenant goes inside of the king's throne thus leaving Rain to himself. The major scoffs strongly before clenching his fist, "That guy, he's nothing but trouble!"
As the king's forces were approaching, with a mindset of vengeance, there was a bigger threat still lingering afoot in the village of Alakard. The tavern was silent with dread and unknown intentions. Villagers and tourist were watching the scene without anything thought of helping. Ben, the bar owner, was in the mix between making a hard decision that was going to decide the life of a fellow worker and his own shop. The leader of the Imperium group, whose name was Colonel Null, was unexpectedly patient about the situation. He had proclaimed his wish and that was to have Luena all to himself. The waitress was stunned in her shoes and her mouth was dry as a desert. In her whole life never has this happened to her, and the experience was terrifying.
"What's it going to be, I'm losing patience?!" Colonel Null raises his voice.
"Ben!" Luena pleads to him not to make the wrong decision.
Ben exhales hard and stands strong with conviction, "I'm sorry, but I will not give up such an innocent woman just for the sake of feeding your satisfaction!"
Those words cause a glimmer of lightning to flash through the windows. Amelia's eyes grew wide with horror when Colonel Null unveils a long grey sword underneath his coat. Immediately, he lifts it high and doesn't utter another word because his eyes told the audience exactly what his next move was.
Luena's mask breaks indefinitely and she slaps her hand over her mouth. Ben was close to seeing the last of his life if not for an unlikely individual stepping into the mingle. The man who everybody was weary of, Neil, was watching the spectacle with little attentiveness. After he finished his meal, the plates he used was nicely stacked on top of a brown napkin. Colonel Null took his eyes off the owner now that Neil had revealed a weapon of his own. It was a peculiar sword with a charcoal sheathe and a red ribbon wrapped around the butt. His boots creaked the floor like a madman in a horror movie, and with each step, there was a tension in the heart. Luena was watching with keen expectation, and she too wondered why she didn't notice the weapon her customer had. Either way, to confront the Imperium with such authority was foolhardy so, she prayed that he knew what he was doing. Ben instinctively moves out the way and goes to Amelia and the wounded blonde. The remaining soldiers, which consisted of five extra men, were prepared to jump the fool who dared to oppose them. Subsequently, Colonel Null huff strongly with a response, "Whoever you are, trying to be the hero is just going to get everyone here slaughtered like pigs? Are you ready to take that upon your conscious?"
Neil snickers first before breaking into a loud laugh. The audience didn't believe his gesture to be real, and most of them began to shuffle out of the bar in fear of the Imperium onslaught. The only people remaining were the female workers, the boss, and those who still had brave hearts. Colonel Null allowed the man to laugh seeing how it didn't make him feel insulted. Finally, Neil cease his chuckle and replies, "I'm nowhere near a hero, don't let this face fool you, I've killed so many Imperium soldiers that you'll go bankrupt for the funeral!"
"What the fuck you say!" cried out a lesser rank soldier as he whipped out his long sword from the sheathe.
"Sir, how long are you planning on standing there and letting him make a fool out of us?!" Another soldier decrees.
Colonel Null kept his mouth shut the whole time and was only staring with pure contempt. Neil matched his foe with a competitive smirk as he too had his hand resting on top of his katana. Nobody else could see though that the hell-bent blade was hungry for souls, and Neil could only hold back for a few seconds longer. Seeing the events beforehand, Luena comes out of nowhere with a plea, "Please, no, I'll go with you, just don't hurt him!"
Both Neil and the Colonel turned their heads to Luena who had speed walk around the table in front of the two, "I don't want anybody to get hurt so if it means giving up my happiness for the sake of others then I'm fine with that!"
Amelia shouts, "Luena, are you crazy, do you know what they'll do to you!" Her friend wanted her to reconsider.
All she received was a shake of her head which left her coworkers speechless. Colonel Null forms a creepy smile on his face, and licks his lips with interest, "You heard the lady, now all of you can back off and we'll be on our way," The soldier chuckles as he caresses the waitress's cheeks and after lightly slides his pinkie around her breast. "I'm going to take good care of you, I can't wait!"
Colonel Null throws his arm around Luena's shoulder and was walking towards the exit with the rest of his men. The waitress takes a side glance at Neil who had a glint in his frowning eyes. One of the soldier's walked by as he was leaving and decided to bully the man with a push to his chest, "So much for being a hero!"
Neil's eyes popped open widely and voices clouded his mind concerning that title. Not only did he not like to be touched, but he felt like if he allowed the Imperium soldiers to leave right now without doing something then he'll be in a world of infinite despair. That name reminded his soul of a everlasting throb that has haunted him from the moment he was born. That name he hated for some reason, it made his very cells burn. It reminded him of a certain someone that needed to die. Before the soldier could take his arm back, Neil grips the man's wrist and with a quick turn of his own body, his enemy's life had been taken with a sword to the intestines. Everyone in the tavern got cold feet of the murder, and those who were slightly entertained had now jumped to their feet. The soldier panicked and looks over at his team with blood gurgling from his mouth. Each one of them turned around with forbidding expressions, and it got worse when Neil spins counterclockwise and decapitates the man. The soldier's head rolled across the floor until it stops beside Ben's foot whose body turned rock solid. A rapid flow of blood sunk into the wooden floor and a hard thud resonated next. Colonel Null squeezes Luena's shoulder hard, and if it wasn't for the cruel act she just witnessed, she would've complained about how tight the grip was, "Kill that guy right now!"
The remaining four lesser rank soldiers whipped out their blades and all charged as a unified team to attack Neil. Unlike any normal fighter, it was the katana's arcane guidance aiding him in this ominous time. Looking to the left, Neil grabs a wooden chair with his free hand and throws the object straight at the coming men. The tactic obstructed their approach. Afterwards, the first one closest lost his leg due to Neil advancing across the floor on the left side. More blood stains ruined the inner creative beauty of the saloon, and violent screams echoed possibly more louder than the storm. Neil was about to finish the legless man, but had to step back from two soldiers attacking him simultaneously. The struggle took him back to where he had sat down to eat and after evading another strike, the mystery man had jumped on top of the table. Quickly, he picks up the white plate he used to eat and smashes it against one of his victim's head. Neil still had to watch out for the partner who came thrusting forward with his sword. Seeing it coming, Neil slides back on the table so that the rear end flips upwards to knock the weapon out of the soldier's hand. Next, he snatched his next victim's arm and slams it against the counter thus driving the bone from the inside of the skin. The man's screams were intense and Neil took pleasure in silencing him with a violent slash to the neck. As for the one he hit with the dish, he was dealt with fast with a kick to the mouth that snapped his neck like an acorn being stepped on. There was only one lesser rank soldier left and Colonel Null who still had Luena in his grasp. He decides to stop being a coward and tries to take control of the situation by placing his sword up to the waitress's neck, "Stay your blade or else I'll snatch this bitch's head right off her shoulders!"
Neil frowns hard and stops moving. The last soldier goes into the crowd and snatches Amelia by her hair in order to bring himself a hostage as well, "Let me go, don't grab my hair like that!"
"Shut your mouth before I cut it off along with your lips!"
"Amelia!" Luena cries.
Colonel Null chuckles at the victory and then sneers at Neil, "You lose, bastard, now throw that sword over here before you have to watch us ruin these whores!"
Neil was formulating a plan in his head, but he didn't have any. With a deep exhale of breath, he slides his weapon toward his enemies. Luena gasps and whispers, "Neil, no!"
Amelia was still struggling to fight against the soldier, and he got tired of dealing with her. After smacking her across the face, he kicks her in the stomach making her fold like a hedgehog. Ben runs by and helps Amelia by picking up her bridal style to bring her towards the others where it was safe.
"Alright, sir, I will slay him now!" said the lesser rank man.
Colonel Null nods his head and watches as his teammate was reaching for Neil's katana. As soon as he touched the weapon, the man stood silent. Immediately, he drops his own weapon and was standing straight staring into space. The spectators wondered why the soldier wasn't doing anything and even the Colonel had to yell, "Hey, what are you doing, kill him?!"
The soldier woke up from his daze and regains his composer. Neil was staring at him with fearless eyes and a smile creeps onto his facial. As soon as the victim took a step, he felt something crawling on his hand. When he looked down, the soldier screamed when he found numerous black widows exiting from the sleeves of his jacket. He tried to fight them off but then more were crawling out the other side of his arm. "No, get them off me, get them off," He pleaded. "Make them stop, they're biting the shit out of me!"
Colonel Null couldn't believe his eyes; really, he couldn't believe that his soldier was hallucinating with something that wasn't there, "Cut it out, there is nothing on you; drop the sword!"
The soldier throws the sword on the floor but the spiders did not cease to scramble into the man's nose, mouth, and ears. Eventually, blood started to escape from his system starting from his eyes and nose. The audience felt like they were watching a horror film with Neil being the director of the whole event. When he took his katana back into his dominant right hand, he left the soldier to suffer the fate of endless torment. Colonel Null felt sweat pouring down his head and even with Luena being held a hostage, he still felt like his life was in danger. Neil turns to the last man and says, "Hand over Luena and maybe I'll think about not ending your life!"
"Who or what exactly are you," He brings his sword closer to the woman's neck. "There's no way a regular human can fight the way you do, and that sword is not ordinary; it has to be demonic!"
"You're not exactly wrong, but what do I have to offer to a dead man?"
"That's it, this woman is dead now!"
Neil grits his teeth hard for pushing the man too far. He was about to rush in to try and stop what was about to happen, until he heard the clicking of a gun. The mystery man gasp when a bullet zooms past his head and smashes into Colonel Null's dominant arm that was holding the sword. His arm forcefully drops to the side and Luena runs away from his space back to the side of her people. The person who shot the gun was Ben, who was standing behind the bartender counter with a revolver in his disposal.
The barrel of the cannon was steaming with smoke from the release of a single led and most was amazed by his accuracy. Neil doesn't mind the help and, with a precise twirl of his katana, confronts the Colonel who was trying to escape out the bar,
"Where are you going, you already know it's over so just face it like a man!?" Neil chuckles with sinister glee.
"Please, let me go, I was just playing around and following orders; I didn't mean any of it, please!"
"Damn, I never expected you to beg for your life; you almost made this hard to do?"
The Colonel screams the last time before his head was seen rolling around the wooden floor and his black blood was skirting from the tip of his head like a broken fire hydrogen. When his head was facing the audience, it had the expression of horror and tears running down his eyes. Neil scoffed at the ending and sheathes his weapon. When he faced the villagers and tourist, he didn't receive a single thanks or applause, only silence. Those who didn't live in the village and only wanted to see the ending scrammed while they had the chance. Ben came around the corner and made sure the girls were safe. He wanted them to go in the back for a minute for him to talk to the swordsman. Luena stayed behind and watches how Neil was staring at her with that same expression from the moment they met. She was eternally grateful for what he did for her but this other side of him was something she couldn't live with. Amelia places a hand on top of her friend's shoulder and helps her escort the rest of the girls to the back. Ben walks up to Neil, slightly afraid but tried to conceal it, "Thanks for everything you did out here; I wouldn't have known what to do if you didn't get up when you did."
"Well, now, we're even," The man replies humbly. "I hope that I didn't scar those girls that much."
"Trust me, they wanted to see the Imperium put in their places eventually. They just didn't think it was going to happen this fast."
Neil doesn't reply because of the forceful charge of thunder reigning about. Ben still had one more question that he needed to ask, "Who exactly are you, really?" Still not willing to answer that, but since this guy technically helped him, he found a reason to be lenient, "For now, just call me Neil."


This was a challenging
Chapter but I got through
it. Thanks again for
showing support
Remember to leave
a comment and point
out anything that needs
to be improved. 💖

#I'm always down to rfr
#I'm always ready for f4f 😁


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