Information about characters

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Info: Mira is a demon that was trapped by the king of the Seflin kingdom. Mira was given as a present to the only child of the king who was five at the time to serve her with all her needs.

Looks: picture

Attitude: cold hearted, brave, selfish at times, hates many things, does not care about other people other than the princess.

Likes: tea, blood, cleaning, black, crows, the princess, roses.

Dislikes: the king, the queen (even tho she won't really appear in this story), bitter things, dirtiness, colorful things( the list goes on but I'll stop here).



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Princess Lucinda

Info: Lucinda was five at the time when her father have her a maid. She would hardly see her mother so she instead considers Mira as a second mother. Mira's nickname given to her by Lucinda is MiMi.

Looks: picture

Attitude: kind, caring, funny, happy.

Likes: MiMi, her father, Prince Ryan( her crush and later husband), sweets, MiMi's crows, red.

Dislikes: bitter things, Mira leaving her for to long, snakes, medicine, her father( in the future ), her mother, being alone, not being with Mira, the dark. (The list goes on so I'll stop here)



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Prince Ryan

Info: Prince Ryan is from the Chosuke kingdom. He is the later owner of Mira. He gives Mira the nickname of demon for being able to do everything. Not much is known of his kingdom or him.

Attitude: respectfull, cold at times, caring, curios.

Likes: food, sweets, Mira, his father, swords, swords fighting, learning how to sword fight from Mira.

Dislikes: the sun, Mira not being there with him, Mira ignoring him, Mira being stronger than him, bitter things, his father, light colors.

hello this is the author of course this is only the information of the main characters I'll give info about the parents or other people in the future as the story goes.♤

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