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Hi this story has violence in it. Just a warning.

Jane's POV

"Maids?" Carol asked? "Really? That is so fucking lame."

"Well its a job and there's a lot of people this time." I said. "Plus its a whole week, which means money."

"Who is it?" Piper asked.

"Some group of boys. Our age though. They're cute," I said while handing out the files. They opened them and looked through the photos of the boys.

"Sometimes I really like being a body guard," Piper said.

My group of Carol, Piper, and me, Jane, are with a company of bodyguards. Some managers want it to be inconspicuous that there is security so that's where we come in. Just three teenage girls visiting a concert or convention. Or pretending to be maids while looking over boys.

People don't take it serious because we are "just kids" and "harmless." Just kids my ass. We're all 18 now but before doing jobs we were raised with a gun in our waistbands.

We've had three jobs before this. Undercover at a school, a drug deal party, and another tiktoker's meet up. This time it wasn't a meet up for the boys though.

"The 'Lights Out Tour boys' have gotten a threat about a potential kidnapping and they want us to keep them safe." I started the briefing.

"I mean I'd kidnap these boys too," Carol said biting her lip.

"Their manager, Trent, is coming in an hour and he's gonna explain more about what he wants from us. So there are five boys that will be staying at the rental house. Noen Eubanks, Chase Hudson, Payton Moormeier, Jaden Hossler, and Anthony Reeves. Trent recommended we download tiktok or look up some of their videos," I told them.

"Let's just look them up because social media.. ya know? Secrecy and spy stuff?" Piper grinned.

"Shut up were not spies!" Carol said and threw a marker at Piper and we all laughed.

We headed to the living room and put YouTube on the tv. "Noen Eubanks tiktoks," Carol said while she typed it in. "Damn I wish I didn't have to keep protocol on this job," Carol commented.

We watched compilations and livestreams of them until we knew everything a fan would plus a little more background information.

We heard a knock on the door and I went to get it. It was Trent. He came inside and sat on the chair diagonal from the couch.

"So.." he started.

"I know we're young but we've been through years of training. You can trust us that your boys will be safe," Piper said with a reassuring smile.

Piper: the flirt who can get people to do anything for her with a single wink. Smart too. Also hella cute when she's lethal

"Thank you. So these boys like to go out and post on social media a lot. Maybe cut the WiFi?" Trent suggested.

"The WiFi?? No can do mister. I need that shit or I can't do my job," Carol said.

Carol: our computer genius with sass. Everything can be a weapon. Very lethal. Very hot.

"I guess they're gonna find a way somehow. But I want you guys to be with them the whole time," He told us.

"What if we were chauffeurs too. And like babysitters," I laughed. "I mean Trent you're a smart person you could make something up. Be a protective father."

Jane: me. Kinda the leader. I do ground work and find jobs. I like guns and hand to hand combat. Very lethal

"Yeah that'll do. They won't question it because they won't want to be separated from attractive girls," He said. We all blushed and exchanged looks.

"So in 2 days they will be at the address given for a week. I trust you guys." He told us. We talked a little more and then he left.

We went into our shared bedroom and got ready for bed.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Piper said. We looked at her as she brushed her hair. "I feel like we're gonna catch feelings." She said and put the brush down.

"If that happens we need to tell each other so we can stop it at the beginning," I said. They nodded and Carol went back to washing her face.

Tomorrow we fly to LA from San Francisco and get the house ready. Getting ready to be attached by the hip to these attractive strangers.

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