Chapter 8

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Gylledra finished her meager breakfast and found Varok alone in his tent. He seemed to be having a small issue with the strap on his right pauldron. Without a word, she approached, putting her hand on his to stop him and he let go. She released the strap then pulled it tight, settling it into place to buckle, then got to work on the others. He let her do it, watching her, both of them quiet for a long time. They'd lived these moments before battle countless times, both had seen the cost of what was to come.

"This will not be an easy battle." Her voice was soft, but calm and unwavering. She felt no fear going into the foray, she would fight, and she might die, but that had always been the reality of her existence.

"Are they ever?"

"Some are won more quickly than others...none are easy to fight." His armor would stay in place now for sure, Gylledra was well versed in the matter after all. Varok moved his shoulders a little, with a satisfied nod. After giving the strap on his chest a final tug, she let her hands lie at his waist. "Though the circumstances are terrible, it will be an honor to fight beside the Horde."

"We are fortunate to have you on our side." He tilted her chin upward a little. "Though, I cannot imagine any circumstance of war is not terrible."

"It would be less terrible if it was not the Warsong we were marching out to face this morning." She gave a shrug and he nodded with a thoughtful look on his face.

"That is a valid point." He replied. She wanted to tell him not to watch for her, not to put himself at any unnecessary risk for her sake, because she had been in battles since before his ancestors were born. But she knew orcs were not sentimental as other races might be. Their women fought beside them as fierce and terrifying as any male.

"Do not think too lowly of me when you see what I truly am in the face of my enemy." She looked down and he gathered her into his embrace.

"I have seen you in the face of adversity and in the face of enemies. In all cases you acted in the interest of preserving the Horde, whatever you may think you are, it will not frighten me." He raised her chin again, this time kissing her.

"Lord Saurfang, there..." The voice halted as the orc who entered the tent unbidden froze. Gylledra half expected Varok to let go of her at once, but instead he pulled back gently, eyes on hers before turning to the intruder. Secret delight swept through her, he wasn't ashamed having been caught with her...she hadn't even realized she was concerned about it. She blinked away the haze Varok's embrace left her in, wondering how he always managed to appear so clear headed.

"Well?" He barked, impatiently. The orc, looking uncomfortable, snapped to attention.

"Scouts report the Warsong are gathering and that they know we have come, Lord Saurfang." The report effectively swept aside all distraction from Gylledra's fuzzy brain at once, knowing it was already time to fight.

"We will move at once." Varok turned to her, which was enough to let the orc know he was dismissed and he departed without delay. "Time to go."

"Don't die." She smiled and gave his hand a squeeze before darting out of the tent.


Saurfang followed Gylledra outside where the orcs were getting ready, falling into rank, and moving into position. She changed before his eyes as she strode away, her armor materializing out of nowhere as her eyes turned black, irises shining bright white with arcane power. The shimmering markings on her skin had grown dark as well and she called out to a couple orcs she'd grown friendly with and they nodded to whatever she had said.

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