Chapter 12

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The land claimed by the orcs, Thrall had named Durotar, in honor of his father, and the great city they were building was called Orgrimmar for the mighty Warchief, Orgrim Doomhammer, who had freed the orcs from their captivity. Gylledra stood on the wall over the main city gate, gazing out across the red, craggy desert that was now home to the Horde. Despite its dry barrenness and the dangerous things that lived in the caves and caverns, it was beautiful in a way, it was the symbol of the orcs' freedom, crowned with their capital at the north.

To her knowledge, a city of this magnitude had never been built so quickly. It was made possible by aid from the tauren and the Darkspear trolls. They had sworn their allegiance to the Horde and were very important in its inception. The major construction was mostly complete, the larger facilities inside the walls were also up already, most of what was left to do was home-building, erecting shops and blacksmiths and armorers. All the merchants and artisans amongst the Horde could finally set down their axes and again take up the professions they had chosen.

It was time to get back to work on her own dwelling, and Gylledra headed for the stairs that led back down off the battlements. With the help of a master mason called Thokal, she had designed the home she would share with Varok. He had been very patient with her insistence on certain elements that were decidedly non-orc, though she often saw him roll his eyes as he muttered about the frivolity of elven aesthetics. He was an abrasive, opinionated older orc, perhaps similar in age to Varok, and most found him difficult to get along with. Gylledra liked him immensely, much to his chagrin.

"I'm not your damned doorman, Lady Saurfang!" Thokal barked, slamming open the door to the library where she was currently building shelves. His bald head shone, and short white beard sticking out in all directions. She didn't need to see his face to know the annoyance in his dark eyes.

"Then why are you in here telling me someone is at the door?" She asked levelly, looking up at him when she finished tapping a peg into place with her mallet. It was Thokal who first called her Lady Saurfang, which she ignored and continued to ignore each time he did it. Knowing that it irritated her seemed to delight the old mason. He grumbled something rude and Gylledra gave a snort. "Please show in my guest, Thokal."

"He can show himself in!" He roared, stomping back down the hallway to the room he was working on. A couple moments later, a different orc stepped into view, framed by the doorway.

"Lady Saurfang?" Eitrigg asked wryly, clearly trying to decide if it was a joke or not.

"Thokal thinks it's hilarious." She brushed off her hands and got to her feet. "What can I do for you?"

"Here is a list of those I believe may be interested in your...pursuits." He held out a folded piece of paper which Gylledra took, unfolded, and scanned the names. "Pava has the list as well and said she would find out if any are viable candidates and perhaps add her own nominations."

"Excellent, thank you. I do know some of these names." She folded and stuffed the list into her pocket. "You certainly made quick work of that."

"I was nearby...looks like the house is coming along nicely, another few days and it should be finished, yes?" The old orc looked around the room, nodding his approval. He was a Blackrock orc, like Varok.

"Just in time for the celebration." She grinned.

"What sort of intelligence are you hoping to gather, anyway?" Eitrigg asked.

"Primarily, my concern is demonic activity. It will be useful, I feel as well, to have some knowledge of what's going on in the world." She explained.

"Mmph." He grunted. "Clarifies the need for individuals capable of being discreet." Eitrigg wasn't the smiley sort.

"Why ask me and not Saurfang? He's as familiar with everyone as I am."

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