Chapter Seventeen

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Me, Perrie and three others girls get into the same car and drive through Manhattan. I remember their names, sort of. I know the one with the big hair is Leigh-Anne, Jade is the one with straight hair, and I think Jesy is the curvy one whom I'm sitting next to. The four of them have been chatting the entire time but I've been mostly silent.

The events and parties they're talking about are an empty room in my mind. It's like when you walk into a room and forget why you went in there. It's so extremely frustrating and makes me want to scream.

I was included in all the stories and good ole' memories they were talking about, I just didn't remember.

Jade was driving and she parks the car. We all get out and I instinctively pull my jacket closer to my body. The wind whips between the skyscrapers and sends a deep chill through my body.

We walk into the boutique quickly, Perrie holds the door open for me.

We wait for about fifteen minutes before Perrie is called back.

"This is it." She mumbles. Jade gives her a reassuring hug and then she disappears behind the fitting room door.

We all sit around a raised platform in front of a mirror. Five minutes later, Jesy gasps and we all turn to see what earned her attention.

Perrie looks stunning.

She put her hair into a pony tail so our attention would fall to the dress. It's shimmery white, a beautiful and elaborate corset is what catches my attention. It pushes everything around and holds it where it should be. It flows from her waist like a ball gown. The beading on the corset is so well done. It's almost exactly like the bridesmaid dresses, but white and much, much prettier.

"Oh my word, Perrie, that's a proper knockout!" Exclaims Leigh-Anne. Jesy and Jade flatter her in compliments and I can tell Perrie is pleased. She's glowing with beauty and excitement.

She turns to me and I smile. I point to the dress and try to form words, but nothing comes out.

"Speechless, aye?" Jade nudges me and laughs a little. I just nod with a grin.

"Well ladies, it's not all about me. Your four dresses are ready as well." Perrie tells us. We're all giddy with excitement.

A few workers take us to our own fitting rooms to each try on our bridesmaid dresses. Susan helps me with mine.

I walk into the fitting room and nearly run to the dress bag hanging on the far wall. Susan closes the door while I unzip the bag.

Sheer black and maroon layers spill out of the bag. It's so gorgeous. I can't wait to wear it.

I strip down to my undergarments while Susan prepares the dress.

"You look lovely." Susan says once I'm in. I turn to the mirror.

It pushes my breasts up and my curves look flattering. The corset is beautifully done and the endless bottom takes my breath away. I've never seen anything like this before, and I'm glad Perrie has such exquisite taste.

Jade and I each exit our fitting rooms at the same time and we compliment each other. She looks beautiful in her dress, as well.

Jesy comes out next, then Leigh-Anne. We walk together out to Perrie and I can see how happy she is. I think she realizes that this is happening; that her wedding is happening. It brings tears to her eyes.

I'm glad I'm a part of it.

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