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It's bright, the light above my head is flickering and light blue embraces it's shape. I need to keep closing my eyes to get used to the brightness of this sterile room, the gown slung on my body is made out of a horrible plastic material and I can feel it rubbing my back, why am I in here?

I look over my shoulder and see a pair of scissors sticking out of the metal table beside me as if someone has forced them through it. I fight to try and sit up but I am still exhausted, my hand is trembling and I can't focus on it, I finally am able to move it on to my stomach as a green pile or grunge slides down the wall beside my bed. As I am still fighting to sit my body up in this bed I take in my surroundings

I'm in a white and green hospital room (although I think the green is just mould growing from the insides of the tiles). there are 2 factory lights above me glowing blue and blinding. there are a pair of brown tattered curtains hanging on the dark window and a framed photo of a flower straight across from me, I turn my head and let out a powerful scream of complete fear

On the bed next to mine there is a browned skeleton with flies trying to eat whatever flesh is left to find, it is covered in ash and hairs, I instantly feel sick and suddenly a putrid smell of rot floods through my nostrils. I have to get out of this room, like now.

I exercise my legs as much as I can, moving them with my arms until I can freely move them without help. I get up and almost fall onto the rotting body, but sustain my balance and begin to take steps, my feet won't work properly and they keep making my legs wobble, my heart is racing at about 200x it's regular speed as I try to tiptoe by the dead pile of bones. I finally reach the door and the handle is half broken. 'please please please open' my thoughts are running wild, thinking I am going to die in this claustrophobic box they call a room, but lo-and-behold the handle still works and the door clicks open, it was one of the most pleasing sounds I have ever heard in my life. I finally get away from that disgusting smell and lean against the wall outside of my room, I slide down until I am on the floor and start to evaluate the reason of why I am here...

I was at home on a Sunday night, just going to bed and once I got to the top of the stairs in my house I got a sudden vision of a girl playing with her doll, she looked happy enough and her doll had a button for an eye which had obviously fallen off. She was in a completely black room, it was like a spotlight was shining on her, her fair hair fell long down her back stopping at her hips, she stood up and her dress floated around her, I couldn't see her face because she was facing the other way and that's when I came back into focus, I was a kneeling on the ground in a praying position with my hands clasped together, I just shook it off and climbed into my bed, drifting to sleep.

When I woke up I got ready to go to work, as I stepped outside with my key in my hand I got another vision of the girl. She was in the same room again this time she was standing and she turned around slowly and once she was halfway round she started to scream really high pitched and loud, the sound rang in my ears making a flinching look, as she turned her face was bright red but then quickly morphed into a normal face and her eyes glowed yellow, gleaming across the whole room creating a terrifying atmosphere. That's when I flashed back again and I was once again on the ground praying, this time I was crying. My blue eyes were veiny and puffed up, my imagination was running wild, I didn't understand the visions because normally they wouldn't ever be connected. I went to work without thinking about it much more during that day, and when I got home just as I walked in the door it happened again but this started on the little girls face, she looked normal at first and then her face began to crack and rot, her eyes turned yellow and she started to scream, not a painful or hurting scream, an evil scream, the kind of scream you never want to hear from a little girl, the horror movie scream, it was so terrifying, I could feel her breath on my cheeks, I could feel the force of her scream and this time I didn't come out of it, everything just went black afterwards..

I guess that's how I got here.

Now what I want to know

Is why?

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