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I felt closed in by the green corridors as i ran, dragging my hands along the walls like they were guiding me to a sacred light.

Suddenly I tripped and landed on my hands and knees, I let out a quiet groan and felt around the ground to see what I had tripped on, it was an old tattered flashlight with 2 long dusty pieces of hair hanging off of it's sides, I disgustedly pulled them off and switched the light on, the room around me began to glow a fluorescent blue as I searched around me, the typical green walls had mould strung along the top and each one fought to stick out the most trying to become the biggest.

I began to move more slowly down the corridor, seeing trundles and wheelchairs scattered across the halls, my hair kept falling in my face, stopping me from seeing and - as I turned a corner whilst trying to flick my bangs out of my eyes I bumped into a rough stringy textured object, as I looked up my face twisted in horror because, in front of me was a rope.

Not just any rope.

A hangman's noose - hanging lifeless and bloody from the tattered ceiling tiles. I let out a horrified scream as I almost fell backwards looking at the spot where there had once been a soulless body swinging back and forth, waiting for someone to come by and put them to rest, I began to clamber backwards, finally turning and making my way through the opposite corridors.

This must be the biggest hospital I had ever been in, I felt like I was running a labyrinth with all the long twisting and winding corridors surrounding me, enclosing me into a dark box with scattered hospital equipment everywhere. Some windowed rooms that I ran by had old television sets inside of them.

White noise galore.

As I turned my focus back towards my front I began falling

And falling

And falling

Through a deep, dark, endless hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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