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Megan's P.O.V.

"C'mon Stilinski! We ain't got all day." I yelled as I jumped into Stiles's room through the window. I looked around the room and found him really focus on he's computer screen.

"You know how many vehicle accidents in the last year involved deer." He asked me rhetorically and then answered his own question. "Two hundred forty-seven thousand."

"Yeah, whatever, Stiles..." I sighed. Scott called me after the accident. They were driving home after getting his tattoo when they realized that Lydia and Allison were in the car next to them. They both stopped but a deer ran into the girls car before they could get out. Fortunately nobody got hurt. Except for the deer.

I let out a sigh when I saw Mr. Stilinski coming into his son's room.

"Oh, Megan, thank. God. Please get him to school." He said looking at me and I nodded giving him a sympathetic look as he left.

"But that's crossing the road. This one last night came right down the middle." Stiles continued ignoring us.

"I'm not gonna repeat it." I warned him getting closer to his desk.

"Kay, good. I'm impervious to your influence anyway." He dared me as he kept typing.

"Would you consider a bribe?" I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Couldn't meet my price." He replied.

"Extortion." I said into his ear.

"Got nothin' on me." He kept looking at his laptop.

"Yeah." I mumbled before I started to pulled his chair away from his desk.

"Megan. What're you doing? Megan-Paige." He started to stretch his arms so he could arrive to the keyboard. "What're you doing? What are you-" He fell once his fingers stopped touching the desk.

"Okay, now, we are going to be late if we don't hurry up." I said as I helped him up.

"Okay, okay..." He nodded and I followed him downstairs. I already knew about his feelings about me. He told me. He liked me since I first started going to class with him, Scott and the rest of his pack. But unfortunately, I didn't like him back. I would be lying if I didn't say that I was profoundly attracted by the closest person I considered family. Derek. I had accepted that I definitely didn't had a chance with him, but I guessed my feelings would fade at some point and I would finally get over.

"Hey, Megan, you still here?" Stiles waved his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah," I nodded as I got into his jeep. "Let's go."


"You wanna ask Derek for help?" Stiles asked Scott incredulous. He never liked him. "Why?"

"He's got the triskele tattooed on his back. So there has to be a way to do it without healing, right?"

"Yeah. But still. Doesn't he have his hands a little full?" He reminded as we passed by two posters that were hang in the hall walls. "Missing: Erica Reyes." And another one. "Missing: Vernon Boyd."

"Look. These are the applications for the career advisor." We heard the principal in his office nearby us. "I need them sorted. And whatever happened to the library while I was gone, I want it cleared up. And what the hell is this?" He held up a sword from the desk.

"Go. Go, Go-go." Stiles pulled us again to our next class.


Do you thing you could come and take me home after school?

I pressed the send button and delivered a message to Derek as we wait for our teacher to come in the class. After a few seconds I got a reply.

I don't think so, I'm busy today.

I rolled my eyes at his message and started typing back.

Yeah, sure, what is it this time?

It took some minutes for him to reply.

I can't talk right now.

Why? What's up?

I typed but he didn't answer back


My phone vibrated what meant that I got another text from another contact and it looked like the rest of the class got it too.

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway, leading to the uttermost ends of the earth, flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness." This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in this class. Phones off, everyone." Our new teacher told us. I sighed and shut off my phone.


Yaaaaaaaay that's the introduction!!!!!

I hope you liked it, though, please let me know it.

So this new story is going to be as Can't Go Back, my other book about Liam Dunbar, and I'm so excited about it.

Please don't forget to comment/vote!

You can read my Liam Dunbar story in here:

And you can also follow me on Twitter (@itspie_rez) and Instagram (@teenwolfinski)

I'm gonna update this weekend so stay tuned!! Bye and I love you > Alba

Trust the Instinct ➳ Derek Hale | Tyler Hoechlin | Teen WolfDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora