Adagio : When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars

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The one you love most isn't always the one you spend your life with...and that sucks."


Here I am, standing in the strong sunshine of Manila, outside the courthouse with a bunch of files on my hand.

At the age of 30, I am officially divorced.

To be frank, I didn't expect for this to happen. I mean from what I saw. We were happy. She says otherwise but I bet to disagree.

Let me tell you, from the beginning to the end.
A story of two people who loved too much,
too much that they burnt themselves and lost who they are in the process.

It started off in college. It was your typical college sweetheart story. I was 19. She was 17. I was taking up Tourism, she was taking Filmmaking. Our main purpose, was to always leave people with a smile, even though it means risking our own. Well who knew, we'd be relating to this motto in our future.
Back to the story, we were relatively popular. We had a small circle of high quality friends. Friends who never left our backs till now. They've witnessed the ups and downs of our relationship. Admittedly, I was a very jealous person then. Who wouldn't be when your girl was that attractive? Well, her? I couldn't find a single flaw in her. Up to now. Still couldn't. She has me wrapped around her finger.
I would be so jealous to the point I wouldn't let her go out with friends. I was manipulative alright. But she? She never judged me. She loved me for who I was and what I did. That's why I started to be better. For her.

She came into my life, when I needed someone the most.
When my parents divorced, she was my rock. She was the shoulder I needed to lean on. I would be coming to school, devastated, lack of sleep. She would be my happy pill. My energizer. The sunshine of my life. She was just there. Her presence was enough. Not to mention, she would be running around helping me with my thesis, she would be making me food when I would forget to eat. She took care of me.

Well, You took her for granted. Now, she's taking care of someone else.

We graduated and headed to our own respected fields. I went on to become a flight attendant, she became a director at a broadcasting station. It all went well. We were dating for 6 years already. We had stable jobs and decent income. We were actually living together, and that's where the test began. We slowly found out each other's quirks and weaknesses, how she hates it when there's coriander in her food, how she hates garlic when its not mashed, how she doesn't like doing the laundry immediately. All the little things and damn, I fell harder. What tested us was dealing with the misunderstandings and arguments we had,
I was egotistical. I couldn't bare the thought of being wrong because I'm always right. Always. She wouldn't have that. She bared with my shit but she had her limits. I was too prideful, too bashful. Yet she still bared with it. Till she suddenly just left.

Turns out she just went grocery shopping. Got you worried for a second huh? She came back home, restocked the refrigerator and gave me a kiss. She snuggled up to me and it melted all of the pride and ego away.

That didn't always work.

My pride and ego, are one of the three reasons why she left.

Oh I forgot to mention that. She was the one who chose to leave. I was hurt at first. But I understood her. I mean if I was married to myself, I'd leave myself too in disgust.

Back to the good times, I remembered how I awkwardly failed when I proposed to her. It happened on a beach outing to La Union. It was a spontaneous road trip to the beach. It was a long drive. Couldn't remember the hours really, but let me tell you, I was in bliss. You get it?

When we arrived, we went to a cottage by the beach, just to stay for the night, we had work tomorrow, so we left our things and headed straight to the beach. When basked in the sunshine, it highlighted my girl's beauty. She was shinier than the shiniest pearl the Philippines could ever give. Adding to that, she wore the most simple bikini set I've seen yet, I swear, when she walked, all the heads turned. Whe she said she wanted to surf, I stayed back a little bit longer. I hid the ring I got for her in the sand, stupid me forgot to mark the spot, so when she came back, I looked like an idiot touching the sand, I looked like Bela Padilla writing stuff on the sand, she suddenly came behind me with a ring.
"Baby? Whoever lost this ring is a dumbass."

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