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People posting pictures on their social media

Is one less person soon to realize that everything is just a contest.

Everyone does it, including me.

Does that make me a hypocrite?

Surely it does.

Every single day I wake up just to be hit with this wave of trying to "fit in".

I do have plenty of friends, but which one of them am I completely comfortable with?

To have that one friend that I wouldn't have to be paranoid with of being laughed at.

Maybe these friends are right in front of my face,  but my mind is just too ignorant to accept it.

I mean would I consider a friend that always thinks she is better with the crowd than I am?

I am the person that would help everyone with their problems and just be alone with hers.

To what end am I suppose to stop faking a smile or pretending.

All I want is a friend that I trust with my secrets and looks me in the eye to see that I am in pain.

I don't want some friends that shows me pity because that is not what I need.

To have a friend that realizes that I'm done of hearing other people "boy trouble".

And that same exact person just might be the person I only just met and is a complete stranger.

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