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Brookwest Alec is still the same dumb coward he always has been

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Alec is still the same dumb coward he always has been. If you have a problem with who he is and who he loves, I would LOVE for you to say it to my face.


User1: we love a pride ally wow

User2: I'm framing this picture I'm so sorry
↪️brookwest: it, along with many other pictures, is already on my wall.

User3: didn't yall like date in high school

↪️brookwest: and?

↪️User4: damn, queen is unbothered


Joshdun:I just wanna say first and foremost, I really shouldn't have said what I said

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I just wanna say first and foremost, I really shouldn't have said what I said. I guess I had a momentary lapse of judgement and I didn't really think about filtering what I say on social media. Me and Alec usually go back and forth with each other, but that doesn't make it right for me to potentially put him.

Now that that's out of the way, Alec is an amazing person, and last time I checked, if you care more about what the person beneath the music does with their life, you're listening to the music for the wrong reason. Let him live his life, he's already under enough stress and stuff as it is with all the music. Please just respect him and all other friends of the LGBT+ family. Much love ❤️


User1: I'm sure alec will forgive you josh :)

User2: we all love you boys❤

alectruman: josh you mean way to muc to me for me to stay mad over something that's ultimately my fault. i could never stay mad at you dude

↪️joshdun: come over for pizza?

↪️alectruman: hawaiian?

↪️joshdun: ur gross ugh, but yeah

↪️brookwest: where was my invite

↪️joshdun: once again, you would have found a way there

↪️alectruman: where's the lie at tho

💀brookwest: when you told ur fans u were straight

↪️alectruman: PERIOD

User3: long term fans already knew alec was gay

↪️alectruman: we're not gonna talk about that



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yes I am gay, yes I have been gay for awhile. yes me and Brook dated in high school. clearly I haven't dated a girl since. I just don't like girls okay sorry. I love her with all my heart and as funny as it sounds, me and brook met at church camp. yes i still consider myself as religious and so do my parents. i'm still the same person and i still sing the same songs so please don't harass josh, it was an honest mistake and i still love him with all my heart. i'm also single so don't assume i'm dating josh please him and debby are happy together.


joshdun: ily with all my heart dude

↪️alectruman: i love you more loser

↪️brookwest: both of you are losers, get off ur phones.

↪️alectruman: yes mom

↪️joshdun: yes mom

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