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Alec stared at the ground in front of him

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Alec stared at the ground in front of him. It had been a couple of hours since he's actually written anything, anything good anyway, but he couldn't wrap his mind around anything but stupid Brendon Urie.

Alec spent so much time in his own head in the first place, so it wasn't hard for him to overthink everything that had happened between him and Brendon way back when. When Brendon had first left, without a goodbye or a note or anything, that's when Alec really felt it for the first time. The feeling of being completely and utterly alone.

He could still remember the feeling of the skin on his cheeks being stiff with dry tears, and crying even more because everything reminded him of Brendon; the box of vinyls they'd listen to when the older boy's parents were out, the hoodie Brendon gave him when he finally moved back in with his own parents, the pictures of them that mingled with the posters on his walls. Alec spent the next four months after that in a haze of depression and self loathing. He felt as if he hadn't been a good enough friend, and as if he wasn't good enough for anyone else.

He began to write his feelings down, turning them into something he never thought would get him to where he was today. He moved out of his parents house, deciding that he needed to be somewhere he felt loved, and that was with his best friend. Brooklyn helped him get a job and got him back on his feet emotionally and mentally.

He let everything out through his lyrics, did a few solo gigs at the local coffee shops in town, and finally met Josh. Josh introduced himself after a gig, explained how he really liked Alec's music and how he thought he could help improve it. They hit it off right away.

Alec invited him back to the Truman-West household after hours of bonding over hot coffee. The three bonded instantly, and they began making music and throwing ideas around right away. Brook would give feedback, and lyrical ideas and they set off from there.

"Hey Josh?" Alec asked, leaning back in the uncomfortable office chair.

"What's up man?" Josh responded, turning to look at his best friend.

"Do you think we'll ever get out there?"

"Of course we will man, there are plenty of people out there that'll listen to what we have to say."

And now people did. They were just some tiny band anymore, But now they had fans, and a group of people supporting them. Brook went everywhere with them, and they all couldn't of been happier. The fans loved her just as much as the boys did, and they would give her the cutest gifts at shows.

In all honesty, Alec didn't know what to expect from the situation at hand. Was it even a situation at all? Was Brendon even trying to reach out to him? Did Brendon even care anymore? Alec was so confused.

"Hey, you okay bud? What's up?" Josh asks, sitting down on the patio chair across from him.

"Nothing, I guess. Nothing that's important." Alec replies , wrapping his arms around himself.

"Well, what's got you down then?" Josh retorts in response, nudging the swing Alec was sitting on with his foot. "This about the Brendon thing?"

Alec nods his head slowly, a sigh dragging through his chest. Josh knew him too well for his own good.

"You have a right to be upset, you know that right?" Josh exclaims.

"I know that. I know that I should be way more upset than I am, but that's not the problem." He sighs once more before leaning his head back against the swinging chair. "I know that if it comes down to it, I'm just gonna forgive him Josh. I know I will, because I don't have the willpower to stay mad at him."

"I know how he is, Josh, and I know how we fit." He explained. "He'll always win me over."

Josh stares at Alec for a second. The silence lingering between them as if they were meeting for the first time and it's an awkward interaction. Josh furrows his eyebrows, a smile forming on his face.

"What? What is so funny?" Alec questions, irritation written across his face.

"Nothing, nothing." Josh laughs, waving his hand in exclamation. "So, how long have you had feelings for him?"

Chapter Notes:

I don't know how I feel about this chapter, but I figured I'd give you a bit of insight into how Alec is feeling. I wrote all but 2 paragraphs of this on my phone and I honestly hate writing on my phone like it corrects shit I don't need corrected.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this. I'll update when I can.

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