chapter one

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You groan waking up your alarm ringing in your ears. "Okay okay I'm awake!" You throw your table at the alarm. Then you remember you don't have a table or an alarm.

You start to laugh you fall holding your stomach laughing. "Whoever woke me up is gonna die" you say or more like sang.

When you stop laughing you get up and walk into the sponge like wall your arms still restrained by the dammed jacket.

"Ohh my god I'm Soo bored"
???: "It's okay (y/n) you have me remember" . You blink at the
Voice in your head.

"Ohh how could I ever forget you uhh Bob I wanna say" you hear a groan in your head

???: "I'm toxic don't worry soon my form will be here and we can be free"

"Okay whatever you say Bobby" you jump on the bed and kick your feet then the door to your room opens and a box is dropped in.

Guard: "you have a package I don't know who keeps sending you this shit but here you go"

You giggle and go to the package opening in only to find green goo "ohh my god the slime monster sent Me a peace offering"

Then the slime wraps around you reforming you as a venom creature but green like the hulk and big.

Toxic: "yessss our power is back now let's leave" your door opens as guards rush in aiming guns at you.

Guard 1: "freez we have you surrounded don't make up open fire"

You turn to them and let out a loud screeching sound "you mortals don't scare me I'll eat your flesh off the bones!"

They all open fire hundreds of bullets unloading into you soon there guns didn't fire any Anymore they just made clicking sounds.

Guard: "how is this possible" before anyone said anything else your green skin let out a strong gust of air sending bullets flying out of you and into the guards killing them.

"That's my favorite attack!" You clap your hands as you start to turn back to normal the green slime wrapping around your arms turning into a bracelet that goes up to your shoulder.

You smile and whistle while walking out of the asylum everything seemed to be going well until yourHit in the back by a strong red Lazer you hiss as your green skin returns and your turn back into the monster you.

Turning around you see a girl with red glasses.
Cyclops: "sorry but even if your are cute I'm gonna have to take you down"

You feel your face heat up no one has ever called you cute before she fires another blast at you but you open your mouth and eat it witch was a mistake

You fall to the floor your insides burning the last thing you see is the girl running to you then her foot Kicking your face knocking you unconscious.

female X-Men x male readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora