chapter two

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Your vision comes back your now conscious again looking around you see your strapped down to a bed.

You growl and start to force your hand off but then you hear a voice "i wouldn't do that if I was you bub"

You turn your head and see two girls one in a black top and black leather jeans the other wearing a yellow and blue suit.

"Who are you!" You scream out somtimes its hard to control your voice.

Toxic: "calm down (y/n) ill help is out just wait" you slolwy calm your breathing

Wolvirne: "ill be back Laura you watch him make sure theres no funny business"

You see the one named laura nod when the other one leave

Silence that was all there was in the room expect for the sound of the clock ticking. Then you see the one named Laura.

She gets on top of your straddling your hips her face in your neck you feel her lick it "s-stop what are you doing!?" You wiggle

Laura: "marking my mate" she then bites into your neck drawing blood you wince blushing deeply as she licks it off

Then the door burst open and the girl from before is there

Wolvirne: "laura what the hell are you doing" wolverine pulls laura off

Laura: " no hes mine i want him!" Wolvirne glares at her

Wolverine: "clam down and go to your room now!"

Laura screams and stomps out of the room slamming the door. You look at the girl and bare your teeth.

Wolvirne: "I'm sorry about that bub wasn't expecting her to do that"

"Let us go" you growl

Wolvirne: "us? Ok look bub ill let you go and explore the mansion you just have to do things for me first"

You groan "fine" is your response

Wolverine: "good first promise to not try and leave or fight anyone" you nod "I  promise"

Wolverine: "good and for the second thing I want come back later on tonight" she cuts you free with her claws you gulp and nod

You walk to to door and open it seeing a hall and stairs you feel like your in a huge mansion.

To be continued

(Should i make chapters longer?)

female X-Men x male readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя