chapter 3

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You go out the door and jump down the stairs landing on the bottom. You see students hanging around mostly outside no one inside expect for this blue girl sitting in the conor.

She looks up at you and smirks walking. You wave back with your full arm. She giggles then vanished. You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around. She smiles

Nightcrawler: "hello my name is Nightcrawler"

You clear your throat "im (y/n) and the green thing is toxic nice too meet you" you hold out a hand and she takes it giggling.

Nightcrawler: "well maybe ill see you around"

She shakes your hand and walks away up the stairs you smile once again and head to the front door pushing it open.

When you get outside you look around wide eyed "woah fresh air" you hear a giggle and look to see the girl with the lazer from before but wearing more formal clothing. Next to her is a slightly younger girl with a white streak in her hair.

Lazer girl: "hey sorry about having to blast you hopefully the professor explained anyways my name is stacy and this is my friend rogue"

Rogue: "nice to meet you" she smiles and winks at you. You blush thinking is there any guys at the school? "Good to meet both of you too umm i dont think I met the professor guy yet" 

Stacy: "really well follow me I'll take you to him" you rub your shoulder "uhh okay"

She leads you back into the school down the hall and into a room with a bald man.

Stacy closes the door while pushing you in

Charles: "please (y/n) have a seat" you sit down on the chair feeling nervous.

Charles: "no need to be nervous my name is Charles Xavier" you nod "uhh yeah i see you know my name already"

Charles: "stacy take him shopping for a wardrobe since he brought nothing with him take whoever you want with you."

Stacy: "yes professor" she grabs your hand and pulls you out of the office.

Stacy: "lets go I have a car"

You start to follow her again then you see a familiar girl following you guys Laura. You walk closer to stacy and she looks at you.

Stacy: "ohh (y/n) if you wanna hold my hand you should have said so" she grabs your hand making you blush. Soon you got to the parking lot and she took you to a nice car and unlocked it you flinched when you heard the thing beep.

Stacy then turns around and notices laura who followed you all the way over here.

Stacy: "ohh hey laura"

Laura: "....."

Stacy: "right you dont talk much well wanna go with us to the store?"

Laura nods and gets into the back seat looking at you licking her lips and patting the spot next to her.

Toxic: "if you wanna save your virgin mind sit in the front"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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