Winter X Moonwatcher

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(This takes place before they find out she can read minds)

Moon sat in her desk quietly, her claws tapping the side in a steady pace, she was in social class learning about the best way to make friends and keep them, she looked around and spoted kinkajou, she was bright yellow with blotches of pink, she was really excited to make new friends on the other hand turtle kept yawning, his eyes would close ever so often and then he would bolt awake again, qulbi kept rolling his eyes, his mind saying why do I need friends? All I need is the outclaws... and moon... she is the smartest dragon I have met

  Moon giggled a little then looked at winter.

Odd she thought he doesn't look mad about this class, he almost seems... embarrassed?

She leaned his way a little to listen to his thoughts, she heard nothing when she relished she forgot to stop drowning out his thoughts as water droplets, she stopped and the first thing that she heard was winter yelling in his mind.

Come on winter snap out of it! This is embarrassing and awkward, stop thinking about moon! She is just a useless nightwing! Mother would be disappointed if she found out I liked her!

Moons eyes widened  winter likes me! Three moons this is unbelievable!  She thought.

"Ok now that I explained the rules get going with you assignment!" Sunny squealed.

Everyone got up and started their assignment, wich was to hug all the students in the class so it would help them with making friends. Moon walked around and hugged turtle, then qulbi, the kinkajou, lastly she walked up to winter who's mind was spinning

No no no winter control it! 

"H-hey moon?"

"Hey, let's get this assignment done  so we can go to Animus class, I'm so bored in here.." she giggled and winter chuckled a little.

She leaned in and hugged winter when all of a sudden winters mind just flooded with thoughts.

Oh no it's happening! Stop it stop it stop it! Moon will notice!

Notice what? Moon thought as she felt something poke her stomach area, she looked down and winter had an erection not fully erect but enough for her to feel it, her eyes widened  when winter shook his head.

"Moon I'm so sorry! Please don't say anything!" He whisper yelled to her.

Moon opened her mouth a little to talk then stopped.

"Thank you moon...." winter let go and the gong went off for the next class.


"Bye students see you tomorrow!" Sunny cheered.

Winter ran out of class his mind was whirling oh she hates me now! I'm so stupid!

Moon slowly followed him to their next class wich was a class were you could enchant objects.

Winter was in his desk, his tail covering his member, he was shaking a little, mostly from embarrassment.

Moon sat by him and said nothing.


"Alright class started, I'm your teacher starflight and today we will be learning about animus dragons and we will also enchant items today with this scroll" he held up a scroll in a purple case.

"This was made by one of the seawings a long time ago, they used it so anyone could enchant anything they wanted by saying it to the scroll" he continued with the lesson until it was Time to enchant stuff.

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