Chapter 8

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      "That was intense". I said breaking the silence as we made our way down the endless hallway. Steve titled his head signaling to me that he agreed. I needed to tell him about the flash drive that Nick had slipped me the night he was shot. If there was anyone at shield that I trusted it was Steve. "But I'm glad that it's over with".
      "Did you know that your neighbor was an agent?"
Another secret that Nick didn't seem to relay to the Captain. I let out a sigh and nodded.
     "Nick put Sharon in charge of keeping an eye on me. Showing me the ropes at shield. She kinda became like a big sister to me". I answered his question.
     "Look Steve, Nick...he had a lot of secrets that he kept to himself. Heck even I didn't know that he was married". I put both my hands on my hips, "Nick is a good guy. Trust me".
    "Sounds like you knew him well".
I let out a sigh that I was holding in. "I did. At least at times I thought I did". The walk of ours had finally come to the end. Steve was headed towards the elevators while I had still had some left over paper work to do. We said our goodbyes and I said that we'd have that coffee talk soon. He seemed happy about that and in a way so did I.
    Steve Rogers was quickly growing on me. He was a kind, caring and fought for what was right. He didn't seem to gain anything, and yet he didn't care. He did what he had to do. He wanted to do what was right. Looking at it now, maybe Nick was right. Maybe me and Steve would have made a good team. We seemed to get along well and it always seemed that we would end up in the same places at the right time.
    I enjoyed the times that I had spent with him and frankly I kinda wanted to see him more. But I knew that my accident was still a problem. I knew that Steve was growing curious about my past. Frankly I was nervous about it. The more questions he'd ask about me knowing Nick, the closer he'd get to the truth...
      But maybe I just needed to tell him. If anyone could have understood what I had gone through it would have been him. I let out a groan as I turned the next corner, hoping to get this batch of paper work done before one. In doing so I couldn't help but see two men from Rumlows unit turn the around and follow me. The loud echoing of their footsteps was a dead giveaway. I quickly kicked up my pacing and didn't turn my head around. If I was being followed I did not want to give it away to them that I knew that. Meeting half way to the stairwell out of the corner of my eye I noticed two more fairly geared up men. As I passed them by they turned around and followed behind the first two. I clenched my bag tightly as I made my way down the stairway. Realizing that my communication device was still in my pocket I quickly pulled it out. Carefully so that the four men behind me couldn't see it, I then proceeded to send a location signal to Nat. I had no idea if she was even in the building, but I had no other choice. If these guys attacked me at any moment I wouldn't have the strength or firepower to take them all on. If Sharon could beat me in training then these four could kill me. If they wanted to. And something told me that they did.
     A voice in the back of my head was telling me that Pierce did this. He didn't like what we had said to him about Nick and wanted to hunt us down for it. Maybe it was true. Maybe it wasn't. But I was leaning more towards he was behind it, based on the four geared up men following me down the stairway. This probably meant that someone had gone after Steve. At least he stood a chance against them. I didn't. That's when I happened to take a quick glance over my shoulder to see a red head lingering in the shadows.
Natasha's quick nod gave me the signal to keep walking. So, I did. I didn't bother to look back to see what she had up her sleeve. I did not want the four men to get wind of what she was going to do. The front lobby of Shield was closing in and I knew that one of us had to act before we entered a crowd of people. Risking it titled my head to the left slightly just to get a look at where Nat was.
Doing so the large man of the two in front got word of motion and as he turned his body around, Natasha striked. She picked the two men in the back and kicked the one in the crotch before he could aim his gun at her. The second one flung his knife at her. Just as the man who noticed her turned his attention to me. With no weapons on me I did the next best thing that I could have thought of. I took my leg and whipped it around. Causing the air around me to explode in my face, but as the one man went down I smiled. Darting my eyes from the man on the floor my attention was dragged to the second one. Striking stick at the ready he lunged forward at me. He managed to smack my entire body into the wall across from us. His gripped was tight around me as he slammed that stick into my left side. I bite my bottom lip, cursing inside my head as I could see Nat still struggling to get control. I wasn't going so well either as the pain in my side ached, but I couldn't stop.
I needed to get to Steve. I needed to get the flash drive to him.
Mustering what strength, I had in me I untangled my legs from beneath his grip and forcefully jabbed my legs into his lower chest. Causing him to stumble back. As I was freed from one, the previous one that I had knocked down had now gotten back up and he reached forward, getting his hand on my arm and crushed me against the ground. He then began to reach for my bag, unfortunately for him Nat was quicker. She punched his straight in his chest with both her legs as she was coming down from a flip. Without giving any chance of recovering she then grabbed the other agent by his head and punched his hard. Looking up the top of the steps I spotted both of Nat men getting back up.
"Nat!". I shouted at her as she put the last of my men down. Red hair flashed in front of her face as she glared at them. I quickly pulled myself off from the ground, my head still pounding. She handed me my bag and the both of us bolted down the stairs. We needed to get out of here. And fast.
The sight of the lobby coming into frame gave me some sense of relief, but as I looked behind me it was all gone. Three of the four men were still hot on our trail, but we couldn't worry about them. Finding an exit was our only mission. And so must have been Steve's. As the both of us reached the lobby we happened to spot the circle of shattered glass and curled up Captain America in the middle of the lobby.
"Captain". I called out to him. Steve jumped up from the ground. Shield in hand he took one look at the both of us and ushered for us to follow him. With a horde of agents after us, the three of us bolted out of the shield headquarters.

It may seem like Cap keeps asking Gwen the same things like you and nick were close and knew each other, but that's just cause he's trying to get her to talk more about. She's sorta still not ready to tell him, but she will. Very soon I feel.
I hope I did okay with the fight scene. I had to re watch caps fight moment in the elevator and widows from civil war to get a good feel for some kickass fights. Still not the best at it. But oh well.

Second Chances (Captain America love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang