Chapter 4

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"Tikki, spots on," I whispered.

The cafe had closed about two hours ago, and since then, I'd been preparing. I grabbed a sip of water before I left. Master Fu gave me a sealed letter as I jumped in his limo.

The driver was Dusuu, though dressed in black, plus me and Master Fu sat in the back.

I opened the letter.

Me and Master Fu found it always better to write our sentences down, then put them in a basin of water. No one could hear us that way, or read what we say.

I was very surprised by the letter, but said nothing as I read it:

Ladybug, for once you have an easy mission. You are to meet with the top dancer at the Club Miraculous. There, you must challenge him to a breakdance battle. He is your best option for the start of a new team. I know he can never replace your old friends, but try very hard to accept him and you may be surprised.

Best wishes, Jade Turtle

Oh. I understood what this was about now. Master Fu was getting me a new partner already. There goes proving myself.

Too soon for my liking, we were there.

I stepped out of the car and waved goodbye. I walked to the side of the huge building I was dropped off at. I opened the door and entered.

It was a long, dark, very spooky passageway.

I walked down anyhow, though my head was yelling at me to go back. Suddenly, I came to a door.


Fine. I cracked my knuckles and kicked open the door. I continued on. The door had led to another dark passage, but the further on I went, I heard faint music.

Finally, I came to another door. Surprisingly, there was a man outside this door. He was very big and looked like he could lift a thousand pounds.

As I neared him, I noticed he wore a gorilla mask.



The man growled, "Name."


The man seemed surprised, and hurriedly let me through. No dark alleyway this time. Now, a huge room was before me. There were platforms hanging from the ceiling where people sat and ate snacks sipped drinks.

A DJ booth could be seen where a guy my age was rocking some sweet tunes.

There was a dance floor where people could be seen dancing. Suddenly, someone grabbed my shoulder. Out of reflex, I dodged away, flipping over, my yoyo out spinning wildly.

But to my surprise, there was just a girl. She wore a light purple shirt with a wifi symbol on it. She had dark purple dance leggings and a dark purple painted mask.

"Ladybug! So glad you're here. I'm Lady Wifi, the part owner here," She said excitedly.

I relaxed and tied my yoyo around my waist again, "Nice to meet you Lady Wifi. If you don't mind me asking, how'd you know I was coming?"

"A man named Jade Turtle told us. He also showed us some of your videos. Since then, I've been looking you up for months now! You have amazing skill!"

Months? Master Fu had never mentioned this to me, "Thank you."

"So, I hear your team is still back somewhere in America," Lady Wifi said, hinting that she wanted to hear a story.

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