. L I F E ¿

36 4 2

Life drowns you
It sweeps you up from behind the heals,
Knocks you down from behind the knees,
And clocks you hard right in the temple,

A pure dramatic move.

So dramatic you hold onto that and blame yourself,
'I'm dramatic'
'I'm pathetic'
'I can't talk to anyone about it'
Now you're being dramatic again,

Let's restart to cycle.
Life (you) (but also nothing you can control) drowns you,

It sweeps you up (happens naturally and brutally to its most ruthless extent) from behind the heals,

Knocks you down (you react for a split second before considering how you should react, how should someone react when they feel inferior?) from behind the knee,

And clocks you hard (you are reminded of something, wether it's true or not, and you just feel lost in this vortex of mixed feelings of how you do feel and how you think you should feel, is it right or wrong? I don't know) right in the temple,

Life is dramatic,

What do I do about it?

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