How are we still moving?

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"OMIGOSH, NO." My sister Sarah says into her pink iPhone, obviously talking to one of her annoying friends. Mom tries to tell her to help move boxes, but Sarah just held one finger up, mouthing the words, "Hold on!", pointing to her phone, and walked away, only to do th same thing a few minutes later. *Yeah, Sarah tends to do that to people...*

After my Mom and dad moved the last box, we hopped in the car.

"And so, I was like: GURL YOU BETTER GET OUT OF MY FACE! And she was like: WHAT'CHA GUNNA DO ABOUT IT? And so of course I couldn't let that slide, so I was like: DOES THIS GURL WANT TO FIGHT?! DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT ME!?"

Sarah went on like this the entire ride, talking about some girl she hates named Jessica. "UGGGGGHGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I grunted every time she said the words " And I was like..."

After about ten minutes and the ten millionth UGH, Sarah leaned forward to talk to me.

" Michael, I'm trying to talk on the phone. Don't be rude."


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