International Phenomena

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( As Summer draws near, Halley's Comet is about to arrive, and it shall bring a meteor shower. About Halley's Comet, there is a mystery regarding Halley's Comet, Halley's Comet was named after two lovers who are wannabee archangels but loves to stargaze, because of being a stargazer, they love to look upon the stars, and they fall in love with each other every stargaze everyday. It's like wishing upon a star to be with your love one. Love can shine bright like a star, even if it dims, there is still love that can still shine despite the shadow that makes it dim. This International Phenomena of the coming of Halley's Comet shall be an International Phenomena of Love. What shall happen to two lovers when they wish upon the star and wish to discover the meaning of forever through wishing upon a star? )

( On The Grassland during the time of night waiting for Halley's Comet )

Kirai: Aiko, you still awake?

Aiko: Yes..

Kirai: If you would wish upon a star, what would your wish be?

Aiko: Yeah, I wish we would be together forever, I wish destiny would never separate us.

Kirai: Do you wonder why stars shine?

Aiko: I love stargazing but never asked that question about stars.

Kirai: If a comet can grant any wish that your heart desires, what would it be?

Aiko: Hmm, it would be,

Kirai: Pls dig deep and tell me the answer from the bottom of your heart.

Aiko: Well, there's this one girl, maybe its you, I wished upon a prayer, since I was young, my biggest wish about her, is to be my pillow everytime I need comfort, my biggest heart's desire is to be with someone that can treasure my heart despite my strong character. My Biggest heart's desire is despite me acting strong and all, I long for someone that can stay with me despite I speak in a strong manner. What I desire most of all in my life, is someone that could stay with me, despite how emotionally unstable I could be.

Kirai: Oh Look a comet!

Aiko: Yeah, I wish being with you Kirai, would last forever.

Kirai: Yeah, Although do you wonder if I have a wish that is about you?

Aiko: No, as long as your here, my heart would be complete.

Kirai: You Mean?

Aiko: I mean that whatever happens in my life, I trust you with my heart, you staying with me all the days in my life, can make me the happiest man in the world.

Kirai: You Trust me that Much?

Aiko: Kirai, I love you for you, you don't have to say anything at all, I could feel you through my heart. Despite not saying anything I feel you through my heart. As Long as your here in my heart, I would be the happiest and strongest man in the world.

Kirai: Okay..

Aiko: I wanna sleep,

Kirai: I feel like you want me to hug you.

Aiko: Sure...

Kirai: Hugs Aiko and says * I Love you forever Aiko

( Can The Comet actually grant wishes from the heart? )

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